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Updates On Thin Bread,And Avocados!

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NoseyNose | 21:12 Tue 14th Nov 2023 | Food & Drink
7 Answers


Now for some updates on two of my previous questions.

I can now slice my own thin bread,and will not have to search supermarkets for it!

With this slicing device~

Although you might not see it clealy,the divisions on this wooden slicer enable you to slice from thick to thin bread.

I have bought one now,and am very pleased with it.Thin cucumber sandwiches here we come! LOL

The suggestion of squeezing the stalk end of an avocado for ripeness,seems to work too, so big thanks to whoever suggested it.

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Nosey... What sort of bread have you tried? I'm sure that some bread would be too soft to co-operate.

That would be me, nn, a very useful little piece of trivia when shopping for avocados 🥑 

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I am trying Tesco own bakery fresh white loaf,which has a softish centre,but a thin but crisp crust.This seems to work well,at least for "fine" sandwiches".I slice it thin,with crusts on,and decrust it for really nice cucmber sandwiches (and other fillings).

So, I think I may have solved my problem?

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Well, squeezing the stalk end works for me,do let me know how you get on?

I've been selecting avocados like that for years, mosey, and rarely slipping up so I thought I'd pass on the tip to you 🙂

I have an electric knife, many years old, which slices bread very well with the bread blades.  I use it a lot for bread and meat (with the meat blades, obviously).  

A meat blade eh? Made from tomahawk steak? 😊

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