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2 Kittens or 1?

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bantingm | 14:50 Fri 26th Mar 2010 | Animals & Nature
13 Answers

my boyfriend and i recently brought a kitten (Pickle) he has adapated so well to his new surroundings, we love him lots and he is always being fussed and cuddled. However, we had anticipated to get a 2nd kitten in a few weeks once Pickle had settled in. Now we are doubting getting a 2nd as Pickle seems so happy and content. My other half works from home so Pickle isnt lonely, whats everyone else's thoughts? Should we get Pickle a companion? Will he eventually get bored or stay a happy chappy?!

We can afford a second, so costs arnt the issue just dont know whether Pickle might be a put out with another kitten in the house!

Look forward to everyones response.



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I would get another kitten and I'm sure Pickle would love the company. All kittens love to play with other kittens.
Now is the time to get another kitten whilst Pickle is still a kitten himself. Once he becomes an adult cat he might become very territorial and jealous and that would cause problems.
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Thank you for your anwers, i was thinking he would love another one, i just didnt want him to get jealous or become less loving becasue he has bonded to another kitten. plus, i love little Pickle so much i worry that i dont have enough room to love another kitten as much!! but i know thats irrational!!!
I don't think you need another one as cats are very independent.
1) Can you post a picture of Pickle? I've been looking after two of the uggliest cats in the world this week and it would be nice to reminded what a cute one looks like!

2) I've always got cats in twos and it's been absolutely fine. They sort out their own little hierachy and tend to rub along quite well together.
''I've been looking after two of the uggliest cats in the world this week''

Er... who has? ;-p
What colour is Pickle? If you get a female kitten you will need to have him neutered.
When I got my first cat, I got another kitten a couple of months later to keep him company. They bonded really well and were best friends for 13 years till one of them died. I have since had other cats that I got with a longer gap (a year or so) between them and while they have always got along, they've never been as close as the first 2.
I have always had 2 cats at one time but I have got them together (siblings) and I think 2 is best. But as you have had pickle on his own I wouldn't get another. He may not like it and as you put in your post he may be jealous or fight.I know it is only a short time but I already think it's too late.
Also,once grown they tend to live seperate lives anyway.It could go either way,cats are all unique and you just can't tell how he will react.Sorry to disagree with everyone!
if you do get another - you might want to get another male... same sex might make things easier! We got two boys (brothers) who ADORED each other!
Do let us know what you decide! and Good Luck!

From an owner of another Pickle.... Harvey Pickle Pants!!!
My cat didnt hanker for a mate
I had 2 kittens, both brothers but sadly one of them died. They keep each other company and are funny to watch when they play. When my kitten died we got another kitten but my cat didnt take to him straight away as he was 12 months old by then. Both are fine with each other now, the older cat can be a bit ruff with him at times but the kitten still goes back for more.
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Thank you very much for all your responses, my boyfriend and i had a long chat over the weekend and decided that Pickle would really love a friend. i phoned the vet and discussed neutering options, she said there would be a big enough age gap between them for us to get him done in time before she has even become sexually mature.

I cant wait to pick up the 2nd now and watch them bond.


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2 Kittens or 1?

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