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Cold feet

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madmondeo | 15:02 Mon 21st May 2007 | Health & Fitness
1 Answers
I suffer from dreadfully cold feet nearly 24 hrs a day. My feet sometimes look a little purple as they are so cold. People have said to me in the past that my feet look like they belong to a dead person. I always wear socks in the day but not at night in bed (unless my feet are exceptionally cold in the winter months!) My partner in bed hates my feet anywhere near her as they are so cold to touch. In the car if i put the hot air to my feet they still suffer badly. Can anyone comment on this? Serious answers only please!


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My daughter has the same problem and she has been diagnosed with Raynaud's phnomenon.The doctor also thought it could have been Buerger's disease so perhaps a trip to the doc's for an adequate diagnosis would be best.

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Cold feet

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