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Did I do the right thing ?

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silka | 16:20 Thu 12th Jan 2012 | Relationships & Dating
22 Answers
I arranged to do some volunteer work in the Salvation army shop.I went along today as arranged from 1-4pm. The woman in charge did not appear until 1.45.
I said hello and she said they had too many staff today and I could leave it. We were supposed to arrange other days etc for me to go in, she did not attempt to speak to me again.
I was totally confused by it all and did not say any thing more about it and just left.


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I would offer your services to another organisation who would be more appreciative of your help.
Yes I agree with ubasses
What else could you have done? Was this voluntary work you had arranged off your own bat and not because you're on benefits and have to do some voluntary work? If so, I would volunteer somewhere else where your contribution would be appreciated.
Thats sad. Id mention it to who ever is in charge....and also what ubasses said x
Totally agree with ubasses. go to any other shop and i'm sure you'll be wanted and appreciated. With that attitude, that shop wont keep any staff to work there x
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I am n NOT on benefits, I thought I would like to give something back and did it with a good heart.
Very sad you were treated that way.

Go elsewhere...x
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Fox, I could have had it out with her why she was treating me this way
I wonder if she is like this with everybody............and perhaps having a word with her about it might make her realise that her manner is upsetting and that perhaps she might be able to keep more volunteers if she treated them more nicely. The majority of people would probably do as advised and just leave, but unless someone highlights her failing to her, she might to continue doing it.

Failing that, i think it would not be unreasonable to take your concens to higher managment ( who might admit that they know there is problem and are too cowardly to do something about it !!!)

Good luck !!!
HI I am a sales assistant in a charity shop and I cannot believe that you were treated that way, I would write a letter to head office and say what happened. We are always grateful to any one who has given their time to volunteer, I started out as a volunteer and now I'm paid, please do not let this put you off.
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Thank you all, I got in touch with the Major of the local SA, she was very sorry and apologized on her behalf. She said she will sit in on interviews with her in future, she said would I like to sit in with her and the woman at a meeting, I said no I would not be back in the shop again.
The woman had told her a pack of lies when she put it to her, saying she was ill and she had tried to call me etc etc, my phone registers all incoming calls and she was not ill as she spoke to the others normally. I am totally disgusted and that is the end of my volunteer days. I will never know why she did this now.
don't let one bad experience put you off - i'm sure there's plenty of other charity shops who would be really grateful for your help. such a good thing to do - keep it up! x
My son did some work at the British Heart Foundation shop last summer, and they were perfectly good to him. He found it very rewarding.

Do not let one batty woman put you off - offer your services elsewhere and put this experience behind you.
Please don't let that experience put you off - it sounds like a badly-organised shop. I've worked in an organisation with charity shops and the manager should have a proper rota - OK, maybe you were going to be supernumary as you were new - but there should never be "too many" on any shift. For most charities, people just can't turn up and volunteer - there is a proper application process to join as a volunteer.

You did the right thing in reporting it, but please take your goodwill somewhere else - I am sure that you will be welcome in other charity outlets.
I am sorry that you were treat like this silka for doing something out of the goodness of your heart .
The women in charge is a disgrace to the S/A .
Please dont let this put you off volunteer work as like others have said and good people like yourself are rare these days, a suggestion if you don't mind I am carer in a nursing home and people with hearts like yourself make great volunteers in homes or hospitals x
If I was in a position to do so, I'd volunteer in our local hospice shop, or in the hospice itself - the hospice movement depends so much on its huge volunteer workforce to support the nursing and medical staff.
Volunteering is not as easy as it is portrayed. Tried the local Oxfam. Reams of pages to fill in. Did mnot actually want to work in the shop. Unpacking and shelf filling would have sufficed. Tried a local charity sending Christmas boxes abroad. Arrived at what seemed to be an immense car park with a few portacabins. No instructions, no directions. Eventually found some other people unpacking black bags in what seemed to be a large warehouse. Also volunteers. No one in charge. No toilet facilities. No heating. Stayed 4 hours and then decamped.
Silka, you have my sympathy. Big Society? Rude Words.
Yes, please consider your hospice shop, I have done a day a week in my local one for many years now.
It is so rewarding.
give your help to an organisation that will appreciate it, there must be lots out there!.......Don't let this experience put you off, lots of them will welcome you with open arms!........good luck with it!......
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Thank you all so much for your kind replies and suggestions, I will let things die down for a while

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