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Why are people so horrible?

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lardhelmet | 18:37 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Some gent (loose term) sent me a snotty e:mail at work today, threatening to tell my Chief Exec & go to the papers cos I couldn't get him the result he wanted. Banging on about being ignored because he's a pensioner (I obviously sound a lot younger on the phone!). None of his accusations are true and I've sent it on to my boss cos I'm not taking that cr@p! Aren't people horrible sometimes? I can prove his allegations are untrue, but it really upset me.

Have you ever being unjustly accused of something (whether at home or at work, or wherever). Evening all by the way.


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Being as you have told your Boss about your grievance he should understand your problems and see that you are being honest about it
Evening lardy, how are the tomatoes?

Yes people can give you the pip - and particularly in email when you can't read their tone. I had what I thought was a sniffy one the other day and replied appropriately, only to get one the next day saying, no, he meant he was really pleased with what I'd said. Hey ho - we can't please everyone all the time.... but I do hate injustice.
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You would think so wouldn't you Red, but I work for the local council...
yes, dont worry about it lard, some people think that if they bully you then you will let them have what they want. this bloke obviously thinks its fine to threaten someone, be the bigger person and stick to playing things straight, he will be the one to lose out ultimately.
I was the victim of a serious verbal assault at work that involved me being terrified the person involved was going to resort to physical violence....I was trapped in a room with him while he ranted at me...accused me of racism among other things I asked for support from management in line with the zero tolerance policy but because he put in a counter complaint mine was ignored and I had to suffer a disciplinary investigation as I has apparently caused him distress...I suffered flashbacks and couldn't do my work properly ....yes people can be really horrible...and nothing seems to be done to stop them
I had a situation many years ago,when i was hauled up in front of the boss,loosely called,someone had reported me for a incident which they miscontrued as something else,i had to go and find a witness,who told the truth, and told the boss that this person had it wrong,did i get a apology not on ure nelly,told him to stick is Fluffing job up is Fluffing elbow,and told him a few home truths,the perv that he was,i was leaving in a week,so didnt bother me at all...
lardhelmet....sorry.......little or no sympathy for you.
If your work involves the British public then what you have described is parr fot the course.
Get used to it.
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Hi boxy! How are you? My toms are fabulous thank you (did you not see my previous avatar?) lol. Abers were ooh-ing and aa-ing all over the place! And they taste delish - so much better than the shop ones.

Will do cazzz, but it upset me y'know? But I will fight my corner if I need to.
By the way i worked for the council too,sqad we dont have to get used to it,its not acceptable......
zero tolerance sqad, NHS is full of it.
Fine....then struggle on, because it want go away by you complaining to the boss. As that dispute is settled, there will be another waiting in the wings.
thats the kind of job I like ;)
hell yes it was always shoot the messenger as If I wasnt passing on messages, but I usually turned it around. I have also sent someone an email saying I would go to papers but wasnt rude and it was after about 5 previous emails when nothing had been done.
Dreadful that you have been upset by this bully.
No need -even when I get an unwanted cold call at an inconvenient time I am still pleasant as I appreciate they are trying to earn a crust.
Please try not to dwell on it -coming from the person who dwells on everything anyone has ever said nastily about me or to me -but trust me its wasted.
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What will seriously p*ss me off is that when my boss speaks to him tomorrow, the bloke will be nice as pie to him! Why?

a) because he's male
b) he'll think his threats have worked, and
c) he'll be WRONG, but it'll still leave him thinking I was at fault
I had someone today who emailed to say "you said, this, your email that date said that..." fortunately I have kept those emails and I could prove to them that I'd said nothing of the sort. Soon backed down.
lardhelmet.........quite.....that was my point.............learn to ride the difficult waves.
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ood for you boxy. This charmer was told I was on leave so he left several voicemails (which I dealt with when I returned from holiday). Did he really think I was going to call him while I was on vacation?
I agree that (as someone who works with the public) a male customer will quite often give a female worker more grief that a male. They back down when they deal with a male (unless the male is gay)
Public sector senior managers like to spout a load of empty words about how staff are valued... but they really don't give a to** all we can hope for is peer support and if we have a reasonable union rep a chance to speak the risk of being branded a troublemaker... I had to be off sick for 5 months before someone actually said sorry

It shouldn't be like that though... Lardhelmet I really feel for you...especially as the accuser is of a group who if they went to the press would get a lot of support.... you can see the story now.... plucky pensioner takes on heartless local government... and you and I both know its a load of male cow poop....

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