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ever been in a no win situation??

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legend758duo | 02:13 Tue 23rd Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
ever found yourselfin a situation.
asituation where someones in love with you?
head over heels?
totally hooked?
and you like them.
very much so.
but not that extra bit like they do?

ever felt so lost.
u care , but not as much as they do.
and you end up in a situation where if you cant give 100% then its not good enough?

does it mean any less if you care?
but just not as much as them?

why is life such a b1tch? a crunt? a total **** up that tries your patience to the limit ?

why isnt life fair?



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i would debate if there is such a thing as a "no-win" situation - these kinds of senarios are only really relevant to the particular person in question. as someone else may interpret the situation differently, and say, this is a "win-win" sitution. each individual will interpret things differently, which is what makes the human race so cool from all the others, individuality, and the ability to consciously choose and make a decision. there may be no thing as no-win situation at all. the same idea applies to luck, something is only as lucky or unlucky as what the person in question decides to choose. the same with life. life is a bitch, but only if you choose it to be, regardless of environmental factors and outside influences seemingly beyond our control.



dunno, cause it is. same not really

to mae the fair bits seem better
not all the time
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bednobs you lost me on the last bit there???
It's subjective.

Step away from the situation and look back objectively. It'll give you a sense of perspective.

Life is not a b1tch. We make choices, get outselves in to situations and then don't know how to get out of them.

All this soon will pass and you'll wonder what the fuss was all about.
I'm kind of in one of those situations myself at the moment Leg.
Although it's not that one of us feels more strongly than the other, it's that it'll never be able to go anywhere :o(
It's sad, isn't it? I mean "sad unhappy" not "sad stupid".
I don't know what to do either :o(
If it's never going to go anywhere cheries then accept it as a sad situation, do your wallowing in the depths of despair thing and cut your losses.

No point in hanging on to something if it's not going anywhere is there? Just let it go and allow for the fact that in the short term you'll feel like cr@p. You'll feel much better in the long run though. Promise!
The grass is always greener on the other side???
I know CD, it's just that things could all have been so different.....
Could have, would have should have... all just translates as 'what if?' And 'what if' is not an answerable question.

The fact remains that things aren't different, they're what they are and unlikely to change in this situation by your own admission.

Another thing 'what if' questions do is allow you to sit and dwell and cling on to a situation that doesn't really exist any more. Which sometimes is fine and we all need to do that. However dwelling on the 'what if's' for too long is a one way street to madness.

Like I said, it may be sad but it's not the end of the world. Let it go, concentrate on what you do have and eventually it'll all come good. These things usually do.
You don't know how right you are, China xxxxx
Bet you I do... ;0) xx
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china that all sounds really sensible.makes a lot of sense.
and youre possibly if not probably right.
unfortunately inaffairs of the heart its easy to be subjective and sensible , when it doesnt effect you .

i think when it comes down to it , it can be difficult and when you do care about someone but not as much as they do what should you do?
hurt them or hurt yourself?

maybe sometimes folk think of others ??

is that right or wrong?
It's not difficult to be sensible in matters of the heart either even when it effects you. You just listent to what your gut is saying and work out the practicalities of what it is telling you to do.

And the answer to your question is obvious. You hurt them. Because the pain you'll cause them in the short term is a lot better than the pain you'll cause them in the long term if you stay with them and thye find out you're not really in love with them. That's pretty much the same as lying to them every single time you're together. How would you feel if someone did that to you?

If you don't call a halt to it then you're not thinking of others, you're just being a coward and thinking of yourself and not wanting to be the bad guy.

You're wrong.

Now would you like to know what I really think?!
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yes china go on
The last remark was sarcastic, sort of a spoon of sugar to sweeten the rest. I've told you what I really think.

I think you're wrong. I think to lead someone on like that is cruel and I don't think it's too much for the human condition to cope with to be sensible in matters of the heart.
legend ,robbie williams life is a rollercoaster you just got to ride it .xx

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