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legend758duo | 10:18 Wed 03rd Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
178 Answers
did you know that today is chibby checkers birthday?
do you know how old the old twiaster is?
holdf on to your hats .
hes only ........................... 66 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that aside its german unity day .
its 17 years since the wall came down today .
so some scorpions to remember it by

btw oj simpson was found not guilty today as well .


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boo and how do you know?
spoken to either of them lately?
didnt think so.
spoken to bel lately?
do you know wot ur talkin about ?
are you just jumpin on the bandwagon?

why not get a life
you follow me and the three stooges there like a bad smell.
go mind your own.

how sad is your life you gotta trawl thru ab finding stuff about me?

sad sad sad woman.

im not angry at you tho.

i just pity you .
You mean your ex partner isnt BEL then (BlueEyedLass) oh silly me, i stand corrected then. No I don't speak to Bel anymore, but I do speak to Bez quite alot, I'll be sure to clarify it when I do again.
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ahhh the lovely boo.
nose in everyones business like a pigs snout in a trough

maybe you need to concentrate on your own life a bit

bloody nosey old sow
Hahaha, least you can't say im wrong now though can you?

And old, im younger than you chick. And I was actually talking to Wardy, not you, so follow your own advice....and mind your own, there's a good boy :-)
Question Author
" Hey ho. Bez has made the right choice. "

could be bez from happy mondays .
but trust the ab ogre to get her big niose in there .

you really are infatuated with me boo.
cant yuo leave me alone and mind yuor own business for 1 day even?

sad sad sad woman.


: - )
-- answer removed --
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are you saying youre right because you know what wardy was thinking?

or are you saying you know akll the names of all my exes?

if so show us a list right now.

cant wait

lonely woman

boo hoo eh : - ) lol saddo

boo heres a tune for you lonely woman lol
Legend- why do you come on here? No one, apart from about 5 people like you. The majority tolerate you, and a few, like myself REALLY dislike you.

Take a hint- go infest somewhere else (providing you haven't been banned from everywhere else of course)
Question Author
boo i will be here as long a si liove and breath lol

if theres only 5 genuine people here that like me then im happy that at least they are genuine.
would you care to list the famous five??
or are you talking rubbish again?

well prove it

put up or shut up

im dying to see your list

im sure folk are shaking in their boots or are you a liar??

come on then yellar
As I said Legend I ignore you. Your constant tirade of pointless youtube links that nobody watches and irrelevant drunken rages are not really conducive with gentlemen like me.

But I do respond when you post about me for no reason.

To be insulted by a normal person may upset a few, but to be insulted by an illiterate piece of scotch filth who is so hung up on bygone relationships and being a two-bit pint puller is really rather pathetic.

Ask yourself this. This "bandwagon" you harp on about. Could it be you are the one to blame with your foul mouth and lower-working class actions.

I suggest you leave AB and focus on winning the love of your child and/or getting a decent job.

What an odd little fellow you are.

you're going over into "that place" again aren't you?

I said...listen carefully now....ABOUT 5, so yes that would imply i dont know which five actually like you, to be honest i'm hard pressed to think of two who genuinely do like you- five might be pushing it.
Question Author
from a pikey in a bedsit who masquerades at a young girls door as a policeman i dont realy think youre in a position to criticise joe.
and your pathetic jeeves and wooster attempts at sounding like a proper gent are so dated .
get some new patter.
frankly youre not annoying,or upsetting,or even outrageous.
youre merely boring.
you dont shock anymore .you dont even raise a grumble.
i find yuo tedious .
and im also amazed at your infatuation with me .

boo got your list yet?
or cant you count to five?
Question Author
oh so you were talking rubbish?

well put up or shut up

yuove just showed folk you talk rubbish

but continue

you amuse me

like a monkey you dance to my tune

dance moonkey dance lol

legend sits back sips his coffee and pictures boo dancing whilst wardy tries on his policemans outfit.

mmmm what a crazy worldwe live in lol
I take it your reading and comprehension skills are also amongst your deficiencies?

Please try reading posts properly, slowly and phonetically if you have to. That way, you won't need to constantly keep asking questions when they've already been answered.
If i can't name 5 people who like you....wouldn't that suggest that these 5 beacons of society don't spring to mind? So maybe there isn't 5 who like you? Interesting thought...................
Yes legend I am infatuated with you. Perhaps that is why I have posted on one of your threads for the first time in about 6 months after, for no reason, you attempt to insult me on another thread.

Yep, infatuation.

Why anybody would come on here KNOWING they are not liked is beyond me, it really is. But then again you tried to maintain a relationship when she didn't really care for you. So I suppose it is second nature for you.

You really do need help legend. Seriously. This is not a rant or a pathetic attempt at insult, but somebody who admits to enjoying negative attention really has got issues.

Bless your hate-filled scotch heart. I am sure the pi55-heads in the bar you work in (NOTE, will never own) must love your charm wit and overall charm.

PS I hope the kid will grow up OK. Then again, you are not there enough to be any role model, so fingers crossed eh?
Question Author
as i said joe not even scratchin the surface.
ypu know nothing of me .
but you have constructed a life and images.
that you choose to project on here.

boo you real�ly are disappointing,.

all bluster and no backup.

you talk the talk like wardy /gags/rev but will never walk the walk.

its not within your capabilities

but you do amuse me in your walter mitty lifes that you pretend to live.

boo dance monkey dance.

oh wardy heres a bone theres a good pet. : - )
you're insane. All I did was correct Wardy for saying Bez instead of Bel. You seriously need help, professional help, before you really do slap someone around.

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boo as ever you interfered in other folks business.
as a serial gossip you probably dont know any better.
but for once monkey just dance.

btw your list of 5 people???

cant you count to 5?

need help?

or is it another case of opening your gob without thinking.

all the folk who know boo titter on the sidelines.
if legends daft hes at least got the measure of old boo anyway.


im waiting yellar?

No you're right- i can't name 5 people who like you...........

You win on that one, sod likes you then:-)

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