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Teeth whitening at the dentist

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chazza | 10:13 Fri 27th Apr 2007 | Beauty
6 Answers
Has anyone had this done?

How much did it cost and what were the results like?

I've tried home kits, now I want to try the dentist but I'm unsure!


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My sister and her husband had it done at the reduced rate of �200 each. usual rate �400 for two or three seasions.
They looked whiter when pointed out. it hurt a little said my sister, made her gums sore.Worth it? Well they went to the land of false smiles USA. Unless your teeth are unsightly, or you would feel more confident with yourself, I would save the �400 + for a holiday.
I read an article - think it may have been in Look magazine about self teeth whitening kits....some put more bleech in that others and there were some real horror stories about ulcerated gums and god knows what so if it gets to the point where you're going to buy a home whitening kit I think I would consult a dentist prior to - they may have a recommendation.
Some toothpastes have whitening things in them, have you tried those?
A friend of mine, who had unfortunately been born with her teeth slightly discoloured, had teeth whitening treatment. Its an ongoing one, where she puts a gum shield on her teeth. For a certain amount of time on a regular basis, with some sort of bleaching solution (as supplied by her dentist)

He teeth look lovely, the downside she says is, that it makes her teeth very sensitive
I paid �185, using the same system as Trinny's Friend. Only made slight difference. If you really want whiter than white teeth you need to see the specialists who will no doubt charge the earth, moon and stars!
a new product in america that can purchased on ebay cheaply. it is hand held n it has a sort of UV light that makes teeth whiter. its better than most at the mo cos it doesn't just clean the surface stains but helps promote the stuff inside teeth that makes them naturally white
do you know what this treatment is called please fluff?

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Teeth whitening at the dentist

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