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that point in your life??

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rugeleyboy | 22:49 Fri 28th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
65 Answers

do you wish you could go back to the point in your life where you took the wrong turn??

they say you learn by your mistake's, but whats the worst thing you regret?



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yeah, RB, but he just flirts on every post lol

think the errol flynn reference was to do with all over doris day

i believe that regrets are only associated with the things we don't do. i have one from a few years ago....i chose not to get on a more than ever i wish i had. life could be so different. other than that i've made plenty of mistakes but i wouldnt call them regrets....learning curves certainly but not regrets

But whos to say if you had got on that plane, your life would still be happy now! Different but better?? We just don't know. Thanks for clearing up the errol flynn thing. I never knew that! I bet he never had many regrets!!! lol
Hey, Miss Ruby, still got both those socks off....?!

Thanks, unruliejulie, for being kind, but as rugeleyboy says, some things are hard to forgive oneself for.

Also, unruliejulie, it is good to hear that you are happy and that things in your life have happened for the best, also for your ex.

You sound a lovely, philosophical lady , and I hope things continue to go well for you.
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i dont know if that was fact based sarcasm about erroll flynn, i just thought it sounded funny??

Zeus.......... as jules said, how could i have a race with you, all you do is flirt??

i amde a mistake years ago, and i never took my dads advice,even tho his advise is crap, on this occasion, he told me not to let my pride get in the way of my life??

i did, and for some reason, me and this girl never got back together, it's now been 15 years and istill regret it most days?

i love my family and wouldnt change them for anything, but i sometimes wonder?

also, another thing that bother's me, jules, we had a converstaion about this on my dreams thread a few weaks back............. i turned around instead of riding a little longer, fate never wanted me thier but i wish i was??

thank you compnut i appreciate those kind words. My life is good now but i have had a lot of rough times getting to where i am today.I always try to remain cheerful no matter what life throws at me! OK then , i do have one huge regret. I lost my Dad at 16 and didn't tell him i loved him before he died. Yeah, you're right, some regrets aren't that easy to forget but you learn to live with them.
Things happen for all sorts of reason RB, if you hadn't turned around, could you have changed anything?
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no, but i could of been their!!

there was another 4 bikers but they sat on the other side of the road, i get the feeling he was lonely?

stupid i know,but i wish i was their!!

i know how that feels, what i've just put on my above thread about my Dad, i always wished i could have been there with him too.I think if you had of been there, it would have been very very difficult for you to deal with, but i do totally understand.Like i said to you the other day though, he would NOT want you feeling like that!
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oh by the way jules............. this thread isnt about that, it's more about the ex really!!
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got to go to's so tired!!

nite all!!

I'm cryin' in my beer now..!
In a strange way it is a bit of a comfort to know that other people also have some unresolved things in their lives. It means I'm not completely alone in my screwed-upness!

rugeley, the what-might-have-been is something we all indulge in, and in a way it is re-living our youth and the people we shared it with.
You are so lucky now to have a lovely wife and family and happy homelife. Congrats. and Live Long and Prosper.

night night RB sleep well my friend!!!!

compnut, you too sound like a lovely, thoughtful human being! we wouldn't be human if we didn't mess up now and again. I too hope your life is a good one now!

unruliejulie, I'm sorry to hear you lost your Dad when you were so young.
I was the same, only 15 when my Dad died and I always felt that I didn't really know him as a person. I was stroppy and resentful when he told me off, and didn't thank him when he mended my bike punctures. When we are kids we don't appreciate our parents enough for all their hard work in giving us good homes. It is only when we face the world ourselves and find out what a hard place it is, that we begin to appreciate our parents, isn't it.
Thats so true. If only we knew then what we know now. I just wish i had known what little time i had left with him. I find myself trying to remember his voice and feeling sad that i didn't know him as well as i should have. I regret him never seeing my kids but being a bit spiritual, i know he watches over us all! The one thing that came from losing my Dad though was learning to appreciate the people i love. I always tell my Mum i love her and my kids have never gone to bed without me saying i love you! I am sorry to learn of your loss too and it is nice to talk to someone who understand how it feels. Thank you for sharing it with me!

1993. made one almighty mistake then, and it changed me as a person. i dont talk personal stuff to anyone, but my mistake was from another persons wrong doing.

it was the only time (at that point) that i followed my emotions and not my instinct. "live and learn"

you certainly do!
unruliejulie, on the subject of being spiritual, have you ever experienced a sudden feeling that your Dad was near you, although in another dimension? The reason I ask, is because in December around the date my Mother died, I experience a strong scent of spring flowers even tho' there are no flowers in the house or nearby, and with it comes a feeling that Mother is nearby. A comforting sensation. And I'm not even a religious or spiritual person, but that kind of experience does make one think !

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