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Had Anyone Turned Their Heating On?

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naomi24 | 20:39 Sun 15th Oct 2023 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

We have.  It's really cold today.



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na never till 1st of Nov.

Mine is on. It's really cold today

Yes we put ours on, for a couple of hours at breakfast time.. The cars were covered in ice this morning and the grass was frosty white. It was maybe a mistake planting those pansies yesterday- they looked rather limp and distressed this morning!   It was warm in the sun though by mid-morning:  the washing dried nicely on the line and we had lunch in the garden!

Ours go's on when it's  cold regardless of the  month.  That's what heating is for.  Mind you what I think is cold is far different to Mr Lotties opinion !  It's gone on this morning and again this evening.  I insisted!


Have had the fire lit and had the heat on

Yes - for a short time when required.  Getting colder up here in Bonnie Scotland.  Soon be seeing snow - oh no!

Yes, this morning.  My flat is 22° most of the year without the heating on as my flat is very well insulated.  This morning it had dropped to 21° so I set it at 22°.  Middle of October is usually about the time mine goes on.  Feeling the cold now a lot more than I used to.  One of the joys of old age.

Not yet, though I was seriously tempted earlier.  Instead I added another layer. Eating a filling meal also helped.

Still no socks on.

Mine has been on a few hours every day fromjuly

Nope, not yet

I have, under protest. Husband feels the cold and accuses me of trying to freeze him to death if I don't switch it on. I think I would happily just wear jumpers and chunky socks

Yes, it went on today.

Got back from a cruise yesterday - it was in the low seventies in New York when we left there, so when we got home to a cold house, the button was pressed.

I don't try and 'hold out' until November, there are no prizes for being cold!

Ours is set for 21.5C  (OH is too cold below - heart).  It came on yesterday evening for an hour and was on when we awoke at 7.00 --- we'd had a frost.

Today the sun shining through the conservatory has acted as a mini-boiler and the heat has built up.  I expect the heating will click on tomorrow morning.

For info. - we tried this system  last year and, surprisingly, we  used no more oil that we  would have done turning  it on and off.  On very, very cold days we turned it up for a while.

That's true, Andy but it helps with with the heating bill if you can hold out a bit longer.(My Yorkshire roots coming out here)

Hope you had a lovely cruise.


Cloverjo - // That's true, Andy but it helps with with the heating bill if you can hold out a bit longer.(My Yorkshire roots coming out here) //

I do understand - Mrs Hughes is entirely of your opinion, but i overuled her on this occasion.

// Hope you had a lovely cruise. //

It was fabulous thank you.

Off again in five weeks to the Caribbean - I am SO lucky.

That sounds great, Andy. Are you holidaying or working/talking?

No but I have worn socks today for a short time.

Cloverjo - // That sounds great, Andy. //

It does indeed - it's on the Arvia, the new P & O super cruise liner, five-thousand-two hundred passangers and one-thousand-eight-hundred crew!

It's got four swimming pools, a nine-hole golf course, a theatre, 20 spas, a cinema ...  the list goes on!

// Are you holidaying or working/talking? //

I am thrilled to be working - only four Talks to deliver this time.

I am now frantically writing new material for 2025. 

A x.

Nope - Still 9C here -plenty of heat to watch in France/S Africa on the TV

I've resisted so far, but it is a bit nippy.  It won't be long before I concede.

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