Good afternoon to all
Have a small problem - a small skin tag on the indide of my left thigh, almost into the groin, that is starting to irritate me. My GP won't/can't do anything I am told because under the NHS this is classed as cosmetic surgery (not very cosmetic in my case !!). Certain clinics will remove it for £40 upwards, and I have seen advertised "DERMISIL" skin tag removal lotion - does anyone have any experience of this product ? Any help would be more than appreciated.
Many thanks
Simply tie a piece of cotton around the base of it. Tie it as tight as you can before it starts to hurt too much. Depending on the size, Within a week or two it will go black & fall off.
yeh I did what playergaz suggested. Used that clear nylon thread, I put a plaster over it and after a couple of days put another bit of threat round and tightened it. Was off in just over a week.
i've done what playergaz suggests, and also surgically removed a number of them myself with nail clippers. i have the sort of skin which is prone to these little nuisances and have maybe a hundred of them altogether. my gp did say that if the ones which are along my bra line become more of a nuisance they can be shaved off at the surgery.
I have had several skins tags removed at my GP. He just freezes them and they fall off in a couple of days. It only takes seconds to spray, cannot understand why your GP can't do it.
Many thanks for all the replies in such a quick time.SMP - I don't know either, they just tell me that it cannot be done on the NHS and left it up to me to decide what to do !!
Thanks all, once again
Use mole and wart ez clear. I used it on moles and it was superb. Dermisil is rubbish in my opinion. i know the mole & wart ez clear works on skin tags as well.
Many thanks. Gladly, it has now gone !! Got her indoors to tie a piece of cotton around the tag, covered it with a plaster and 3 days later it came off. Bit sore but gone.
Thanks again