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Maggie-Mae | 20:44 Tue 29th Mar 2005 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

Im thinking of having sun-bed sessions.  I normally dont sunbathe and always wear an SPF moisturiser all year round but find recently I am falling foul of vanity and really want a nice tan.  Many of my friends use sunbeds and look great.  Obviously im aware of the health risks and have tried the spray tans but their just not as good.  Should I or shouldnt I?



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I think only you can decide this.  I used sunbeds before special occasions like holidays and weddings etc to start my tan off as I had a tendancy to burn. I never went overboard and did not use them continuosly only occasionaly.  I would never advocate using them continoulsy as the dangers far outweigh the positives.  If you have lots of moles or are naturaly fair skinned and do not tan easily then again I probably wouldnt use them.  If as you say you dont normally sunbathe I really wouldnt use one - I used to work in a beauty salon and trust me when I say the risks far outweigh the benefits - lots of salons also do not maintain their beds as carefully as they should and people getting burnt is not un common.

Hi Maggie-Mae - I'm going to be really boring - don't do it!.  Your friends only look good on the surface; we both know that underneath they are fried.  Their skin will be going prune-like just at a point when it would be really nice to maintain a youthful appearance.

several years ago I went for a session on the sunbeds before going on holiday, as a result I developed several facial moles, a couple very close to my eyes. They were not cancerous, but I was referred very quickly to a plastic surgeon and had them removed, so my advice is no, dont do it. I am actually left with tiny scars on my face from the surgery, but can thankfully cover them up with make-up.
I'd echo all that the others have said. It's just not worth the risks, and the lizard-skin when you're older! Let's start a fashion for being 'pale & interesting'!
use st tropez
I must admit that I sometimes go on sunbeds.  They are very addictive and are not good for your health.  My friend have constantly been going on sunbeds for the past 3 years and she have already developed crows feet around the eyes and lines around her mouth.  She is 27 and she looks like she is in her 30's.  I'm going to stop going on them and I would advise you not to start.

Have you only tried the home use self tans?  If you’re thinking of spending money on a course of sunbeds, but are worried about the risks, then why not spend your money on getting a fake tan done professionally?  Most tanning shops – particularly the nation-wide ones, also now have the spray tan booths.  You get a much better and more even coverage than doing it at home.  Also I reckon nearly all beauty salons will be doing St Tropez tans, particularly with summer on its way – I hope!!

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