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Salon Facial

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Robinia | 11:23 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Beauty
514 Answers
Have you ever had a professional facial done in a salon? Approx how much did you pay, was it worth it & how long did the effect last? I'd never really thought about it until a friend recently mentioned she'd like one so I'm considering going too - we could both do with a bit of cheering up.


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I don't trust that Met office and their new fangled flobabdobs .I use Accuweather because they have an arthritis index .
I seem to remember a man from the Met office once saying ..
"Earlier on today, apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she heard there was a hurricane on the way... well, if you're watching, don't worry, there isn't!".
When we all got up the next morning there was debris everywhere :)
Morning all - haven't been on for a while, Dosaster Towers is my home, anyway won't bore you with my dia horribilus last Thurs, enough to say that daughter missed her plane and i had to fork out for another!!!

I need help with her laptop, i've asked in Tech no they don't seem to know. She has Windows Vista Home basic, and Vodafone have installed a payg mobile broadband dongle, but she cannot get windows to start now, a page comes up too quickly to read but says roughtly there has been an error or something. She can use wifi in cafes etc but it must just be a matter of clicking something or other, any ideas please cos she goes back on Tues and if it still doesn't work I want to get my money back from Voda. although it says that the dongle is connected and working. Many thanks!
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morning lovelies...well I've consulted my piece of string & it's dry, so t'aint need a sun bonnet here today, hurray!!.... oops better not shout about it.

Just asked Tarquin about your prob neti ( we were on msn)...he says sorry he can't help, he's never used used one of those.

reet, I'm off to bruise a few white ankles with me trolley...
good morning all, hope we are all as well as can be expected, the white screen of doom seems to have given me a break so lets hope I can get this posted. I am going to be around here a bit less for the next couple of months as good old real life is intervening quite heavily...nothing personal and I will pop in when i can, just its not likely to be often....behave yourselves all and just like the Terminator, I WILL be back
I've just had to read Neti's post twice .I thought it said .."get money back from Vodka" ...must get to Specsavers asap :)
Sorry I can't help ..I have trouble operating the remote for the TV let alone all that techy stuff .
Lovely day here .The flobbadobs were right for once and I have a man coming in on Thursday to given the garden a haircut .He's been and assessed what want's doing .Yippee .
Oh dear Woofy .I hope we will see you again sometime soon .....take care xx

Take care woofy we'll always be here, when you need to drop by x

Am sick to death of technology.
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I've had me bushes trimmed & jolly lovely it all looks too...Oooh, lordy, I'm crackered, this sunny weather might be encouraging in theory but in practice my poor ole bod pays for over doing it. And I've done loads of washing & it's all waiting for someone to iron it for me please...
c'mon shaney, stop beggaring about & get on with it...

Take care & be back soon woofy!

Hello All I've been working hard in the garden today too Robi cut the grass and weeded and trimmed the edges etc. I had the bushes cut back the other day as I was doing it myself when I cut through the cable about 2 feet from the cutting end so that put paid to me doing it. So I rang a bloke out of the paper and he came and did them for me. Charged me �45 which I thought was a bit on the dear side as I only had 4 bushes to do, but I'm pleased it's done now.

Went to my local haunt last night and it was just like the old days. My old jiving friend turned up with her new husband so we had a rocking good night.

Having a lazy night tonight but there's not much on the box so I expect I shall be reading my latest Stephen King.

I hope all goes well for you Woofy see you soon.

Oh cripes Jude that's tout dangereux ..
Mr S. did the same thing a couple of weeks ago with the lawn mower .Cut through the cable .He's a nerve wracker when let loose with things like that .Luckily we have a thingy that has a cut out thingy. You know what I mean :o).

I'm so glad to get a gardener at long last you wouldn't believe it .I love gardening but gardening doesn't like me at all these days .Hopefully once he's given it a good clear up I can just snip and titivate.
It's not a huge garden but the old bones don't permit the heavy work anymore

I'm thinking about getting an ironer upper too ....yeah right ..:))
Mind you I don't iron too much but I do like smooth sheets and duvet covers etc . Thank goodness the days of schoolstuff and work shirts are over but I can't stand crumplies .And .. admit to ironing teatowels and pillowslips . .Silly but there you go :o)
My haven't we all been busy? I have finally got the wifi dongle up and running, although I fear twas not all mine own work (but I did think it was!) Was out having a belated coffee tis afternoon when I saw a friend who knows all there is to know about computers, so casting shame aside i threw myself at his mercy and he came to cafe and beggared about with laptop but (or so I thought ) to no avail, but when we got home after a couple of hours I was fed up with being defeated, so i messed around on the lappy and lo and behold it finally connected. I texted him to boast about my prowess and he said that he had changed all the drivers, which probably helped, boy am I sick!!
oh, when things get tricky I don't just change the drivers, neti, I sack the entire staff and start over, all except the faithful underparlourmaid - can't dismiss her as I don't actually pay her, but she gets to lick the bowls clean when I'm finished.

Good luck, woofgang, always annoying when real life gets in the way of ones dainty cyberexistence.
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morning sunbeams...oh well done techineti, we won't tell a soul it wasn't you wat fixed it.

Hi jno...have you been? As in Iceland I mean, not as in 'have you been?' Oops, hope that's not a delicate subject. What's this? You bought me a pressie? You shouldn't have.... you really shouldn't have....

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ps...Jude could you please not blow the electrics in our area today, I'm washing everything that's not pinned down

<puts jno's slippers through the mangle...>

nothing to say, alas... well, I have an appointment for a sigmoidoscopy... I wonder if it will be carried out by Sigmoid Frund himself? I expect he'd want to peer deep into my psyche.
Question Author as usual today, too blowy to be outside. Hope you all enjoyed the weekend.

oooh, I hate any word that contains oid or oscopy...what's a Sig? It must be sommink.... <googles>....eek! a gun! "Stick em up"....oops, maybe not a good phrase, sorry jno.

What is it with men? You're either waiting a fortnight for 'em or they turn up unannounced with their big choppers when you're still in your hairnet....tut.

Hello lovelies
Pouring with rain here and I'm going to the hairdressers. Typical .
I don't like the sound of that Jno and am not Googling it because I'm eating my brekkie .But whatever it is good luck :)

My man is due on Thursday with his chopper .I hope it keeps fine for him .
Toodlepip for now ...
Mornin..lovely and sunny ere...
did he manage to get his chopper through your bush robinia......or will he need reinforcements...hehe..!(:O)
just had an email from a friend in Sussex (the one who held the barbie a week or two ago) and she went out dwile flonking last night. She was unable to explain what it was exactly, but as usual Wiki has it covered

....sort of.
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It was a bit of a job Vin, it's been a while...he had to get the extension.

Crikey, my mum used flonk a few dwiles (if you substitute the beer for mucky suds)...usually in my direction. It was good practice though, I've now got the reflexes of a blue bottle.

(yes, yes, I know I had some bushes trimmed t'other day...this was trees)
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Just need a moment to chill.....I just got a bit hot under the pie-crust collar.
I could just take me vest off & stand outside, it's bloomin chilly out there.

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