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What is the best book you have ever read by a male author and a female author?

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chaptazbru | 17:02 Fri 20th Apr 2012 | Arts & Literature
485 Answers
Mine is The Pursuit of Happiness by Douglas Kennedy


The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.


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Yes, indeed Em, great stuff. It’s a book I can pick up and open at any page – and just read.

Similarly with Jane Eyre. No sex – but what passion!

//Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! . . . I am not talking to you now through the...
17:35 Fri 20th Apr 2012
i'd forgotten Quiet flows the Don and also As i walked out one midsummer morning and Wolf Hall. just so many excellent books.
To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee

The Chequer board by Neville Shute.
Yes I loved Poldark Anne all the books the whole series on DVD :)
Winston Graham wrote some other wonderful books too .Marnie and Fortune is a Woman to name but two .
Shaney, Yes, Penmarric and Cashelmara. I don’t think I’ve read any of the others though, but if you recommend it, I'll try the Starbridge series
Have all the Neville Shute books, read them all more than once apart from On the Beach which absolutely devastated me. Cried for ages.
Lady J and Ladybirder, I love the Sholokhov trilogies, they do run a close second.

For the scifi-s and talking trilogies, Asimov's Foundation.
I think you'll like them naomi .She also did The St. Benet's Trilogy which is a sort of follow on .It's fiction of course but you be the judge .She's a woman who made money with her family sagas and then questioned what to do next .
I'm not getting into any religipus discussions here but she found her faith and the novels evolved from that .
what about Zen and The Art of Motor cycle maintenance. i'd forgotten that one too.
'Her Benny' by Silas K Hocking, wonderful book.
Female - Middlemarch ... George Eliot

Male - Barchester Towers ... Anthony Trollope


Non Fiction - Bad Science ... Ben Goldacre

Contemporary - more difficult, but I guess that Terry Pratchett has given me more pleasure than any other living author - and he's a lovely man too.
black beauty anne sewell
My my, what a popular thread. Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C Clarke would be one that springs to mind.
I've not gone through all the posts so they might already be in the system , but the best I've ever read by female is Harper Lee's "Mocking bird" , by a guy there are so many but I think it must be "A tale of Two Cities" closely followed by RLS and "Treasure Island"
Lady J, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy........Mr Adams - bring on Marvin the Manic Depressive Robot!
What a wonderful thread. I've been reminded of so many books that I'd forgotten about, and are worth a re-read.

I see lots of people have mentioned Lord of the Rings,The Hobbit etc. Hmm. Never taken to these. I know they are extremely popular but, although I do read a lot, and love contemporary/historical/fictional/horror/crim
etc etc etc I just can't take to the sort of Tolkien/Fantasy genre. Might be because when I was a teenager it was shoved down my throat as 'cool' (or whatever equivalent word was used in the 70's - can't recall).
Oh that's a lovely book owdhamer . I still have the Childrens Classic my parents bought me .Another tear jerker. Anna Sewells house,where she was born , is in my neck of the woods.It's now a tearoom .
is that a tea-room or a tear-room, shaney?
The wierdstone of brisingamen by Alan Garner. The first fantasy book I read when I was about 11. Got me into the fantasy sci fi genre. Thank you Mr Garner.
I'd recommend James Herbert's The Ghosts of Sleath.............
Just spent the last five minutes going through the earlier post and so many great books have been mentioned and how could I forgot mention Terry Pratchett probably my favorite contemporary author.

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