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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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nighty night all. Hope you have an okay day tomorrow Shaney and glad today went okay.
Robi you are in my thoughts.
So sorry Robi for your loss but Charlie will always be there in your garden with you .All our departed pet friends are in a better place now ,no more pain and aches .God Bless xxx
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Good morning all, normal service yadda yadda. Have just eaten dunked ginger biscuits fir first breakfast as my antibi's have to be taken with food and I still can't chew yet....well that's my excuse, they are tesco finest with actual crystallized ginger in and quite delicious.
little kip now
laters all
Morning all. Poor woofy, are you still in pain? I do not usually dunk biscuits but agree that ginger snaps have to be dunked (if only a small part of them).

Lovely sun streaming through my windows this am although I am still in bed.

Can't say much for shaney today, she can't enjoy the funeral, x

Robi thinking of you x

Hello to jno, dolly & jude.
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i am being a wimp neti....I have stitches so must not chew on that side, also bruising where the implant was fitted. main issue is that anything bitty or crunchy or crumby is banned till the stitches are out and the area around the implant site is closed.
No you are not allowed to be a wimp, I am the Biddy wimp! You poor thing, is it worth it? I could not stand the treatment or the pain!
Morning all... it's day one and it's just horrible, how can such a little dog have taken up so much space, in more ways than one? I'm totally lost & on auto pilot, everything feels unreal. :'o(. But there's no need to walk on eggshells, I'd prefer it if you gave me the occasional walloping actually, even when I've done nowt.

The boiler's leaking.... and the census form's arrived. Isn't that a waste of money these days? You only have to fart & it's recorded on a computer somewhere.

Thank you all for your lovely ecards & wishes...hope you are as well as possible.
(sounds horrible woofy, hope it heals well)
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yes, well worth it. My teeth aren't great (genes not poor care) and I am one of those folk who gag at just the though of dentures. Once the implant is in, unless you open beer bottles with it or stop a thrown stool in a bar fight, provided you take reasonable care in keeping teeth clean, its yours for life. I also have an unstable TMJ (jaw joint) and losing my back teeth unbalances it even more which both painful and yes for me definitely worth it.
Robi, yes I hesitate to mention pets and things, but of course you will be totally devastated for a while. All his little belongings, just grieve for him , time doesn't heal, it just makes you get used to it. I still cry for charlie cat sometimes and I didn't have him for very long. The fact that you miss him shows how lovely he was and such a good friend to you. How long had you been together? Pop in when you feel like it.
Is anyone on here having probs with Firefox, mine keeps crashing every minute or so, I've checked their website and it's happening to all and sundry and they are looking into it? I may change back to IE for the moment. Any suggs?
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hello Robi, how's the garden? I treated myself today and cut a a stripey camellia to bring indoors, I don't often cut them because the don't seem to last in water and usually have a tight bud with every open flower so to cut the flower you lose a bud.
My cowslips are out, also the camellias and the late daffs. I've got crocuses this year too...what my Mum would call "Jesus plants". Years and years ago she was out in the garden with my niece, her granddaughter who is now in the thirties and was then about 4. Mum was showing her the flowers and said (of a patch of violets) "I never planted those, i wonder where they came from?" Pipes up littlie "I bet Jesus planted them." Since then plants that seed themselves or we don't remember planting are called Jesus plants.
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Try safari Neti, i love it, had gone over to it before we dumped windows for Mac.
but I am on pc not MAC, will it be the same?
Morning EVerybiddy. Hope things go alright for you and Mr. S. Shaney Thinking of you Robi. You have wonderful memories and I'm sure lots of Photographs of your lovely Charlie. There's nothing can take them away.
Also Woofy hope your sore gum heals quickly foir you.

I am on a food rampage today because I have to starve myself from 7 pm to 7 am and then go and have a glucose test. so that means I still wont be able to eat until about 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. I'm off out for lunch today with my R & R friend and will be having Chips and chips and more Chips. :~}
Mr.D. went for an ultrasound on his heart today and glad to say " You will last for a few more years yet !!!" Thank goodness for that because I can't drive !!
Tomorrow I'm off to the dentist ,she's going to take out one of my last remaining 5 teeth and add another one on to my bottom plate ,carry on like this and I'll not be able to eat at all -just soup .
My dear friend Ali has been told she has breast cancer and is going for a mastectomy etc. next Thursday Please say a prayer for her .
Enjoying having my eldest daughter here for 3 weeks (goes back to UK next Thurs.)My last remaining brother arrives on Sunday from UK for a couple of months -he hates the cold -loves our weather .Just hope we don't have any more floods etc while he's here ! Best wishes to you all especially Robi right now .Love xxxxx
Good afternoon, just got back from the Garden Centre, coffee and Cheese Scone!!
Their cheese scones are huge and home baked and the best I have ever tasted.

WALLOP. That is for Robi. She said to give a a wallop so I have!! Thinking of you gal!!

Glad Mr Dolly's MOT went well, Dolly, and wish you luck tomorrow. Will add your friend to my thoughts and sending her positive vibes across the world.

Still got that soup here for you Woofy!! I'll put it in the post if you like.

Hi, to Neti and Jude (good luck with the tests).

Off to get myself another hot drink. It is still bloody freezing here!!!!

See you later (too cold to sit in this glory hole much longer!!) xxx
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Yes Neti, it will work on a PC and looks the same...we had it on our PC well before we went over to macs.
Delighted to hear that Mr D is doing okay and I will add your friend to my prayers.
Soup sounds lovely...actually a miracle has occurred, I went to sleep on the settee and woke up pain free...very odd. have just hogged a whole tim of m and s sweet and sour chicken and veg all but two pieces of chicken, one for each dog.
Have added a poem!!
Oh booger, we had a power cut, only a short one, but I didn't want to come back on here too soon in case it happened again.

Thanks Lottie, at least I'll know I'm alive if someone keeps pinching & punching me.

Hi Dolly, are you having those teeth made into a necklace? :) And I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Wishing the very best for her.

Neti, I'd had Charlie for 13 of his 14 years. He was originally my ex's who was running a pub/restaurant at the time. One of his customers bred 'charlies' (kindly, not a puppy farm... to produce KC cavs which live into their teens requires good care and attention, there are some evil stories about them being bred quickly & carelessly with awful, painful conditions). Anyway, his relationship broke down, along with the job/home & he got a job which meant him going away long days/nights so Charlie went to live with his mum & step dad. They went on holiday for a month and I looked after Chas....and he never went back again. He knew where he was really King :o).
He was hard work sometimes, demanding & attention seeking, high maintenance and totally untrainable, bless. Sometimes I longed for a day off, if only to clean up without him under my feet, the way we do with our kids/partners etc, haha, but I adored him & will always miss him.

The garden's just coming alive woofy, I've still got some crocuses & the daffs have brightened it up no end. I'm sure I planted some white narcissus but I can't see them yet, I think they're lates though. It's a lovely day, bit cool, I might potter about if the sun stays out.

Would you like fries with that Jude?
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I know what you mean about attention seeking Robi, my two have just bounced in, washed my face and bounced out again.
Lottie.....poem????? where??????

ooooooooo chips...........waaaaaaant crispy..............

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