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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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morning all, tum bad again this morning, I reckon its the last kick of the antibis which i finished yesterday. Up and down all night :-( Will read thread later..Neti you are too good to your Hija.
Poor woofy, hope tum gets better very soon.

What else could I do? They had to get home, I am fed up with her though!
Where are you all, lazy peeps!
Oh dear Woofy. Hope you feel better later. Take care.

Well Neti, I must admit to being about on AB until the early hours and then making some bread and doing stuff before I went to bed at 2.45am and then not getting much sleep because of Mr LL fidgetting and huffing and puffing. He woke me with a cuppa at 8.30am.

Neti, Why are you paying for Hija's taxi's. They got themselves in a pickle and I can understand you wanting her safe and sound, but................................. !!

I don't think I would be as patient as you especially as Hija is a big grown up lady of 25 now.

Bless your heart though, you are a sweetie.
Woofy I wasn't implying that my Kaftans are anything like that lovely dress you are going to order.

You got me looking at clothes websites last night, trying to find a top I could wear to the wedding in July. I found one but it's only in small sizes at the moment I think it would look nice with cream linen trousers and black shoes.


About as dressy as I intend to go.
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(grinning) Lottie not sure I understand what you are on about???...that maybe me, I am a bit shot away this morning. I live in shorts in the summer indoors, don't do floaty with two elephant dogs.
Morning all...beautiful day, sunny & blue skies & I'm just waiting for the mower man. Had a blinding headache yesterday afternoon & it's threatening again, tut.
Hope you feel better soon woofy, you should get better now you've finished the pills.
Lovely kaftan but I don't go anywhere to wear things like that. A compromise might be this top that I love, it could be dressed up or down

Love your top too Lottie, I like Julien Mcdonald's clothes.

Yes neti, you're too soft by half...will she take care of you when you're old & confused?...probably next week ... :o) <ducks>

<sneaks out with hand over size labels, don't want a clobbering from Lottie>
PS...have any of you M&S online shoppers had this email?

"We have been informed by Epsilon, a company we use to send emails to our customers, that some M&S customer email addresses have been accessed without authorisation.

We would like to reassure you that the only information that may have been accessed is your name and email address. No other personal information, such as your account details, has been accessed or is at risk.

We wanted to bring this to your attention as it is possible that you may receive spam email messages as a result. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. We take your privacy very seriously, and we will continue to work diligently to protect your personal information.

Marks and Spencer plc. Registered office: Waterside House, 35 North Wharf Road, London W2 1NW.
Registered number: 214436 (England and Wales) "

Great. :o(
My posting last night at 21.34 Woofs.
Yes, I had the M&S mail Robi. Not good is it. But spam mail can be just trashed. As long as they are being honest about the bank details.

I check my bank account every day on line. I trust noone!!
robi, I have had that email from several businesses, most recently Marriott hotels. It is genuine.

Hi jno.

I never doubted the genuineness (is that a word?) of the M&S email. I just was glad that they had acted so quickly with their warning.

the M&S
hija has paid me back, I just could not leave her or her friend in San An on their own, and I didn't want to drive that far in the early hours.

The employment office are crafty here, she has full benefit until december 2011, although we insist she gets a job when they happen (usually about May here).her, although she has regular appointments every couple of months, they text the unemployed (8am) this am, and she had to go to the office to prove she was here on the island and availabl, if not she would lose her benefits, so I dragged her up and drove her there and brought her back home. It's not benefits as in England cos she has worked at least 6yrs without claiming anything (others claim every 6months) and she has paid all her dues, but they are trying to catch people out, as a lot of them go travelling and to England and then of course they cannot attend. And they want to cut down the benefit queue. She pays her own National Health (Insalud) mr N also pays for all our health insurance and I (as a pensuiner also have paid for dependants). We pay for the whole world it seems, and this makes me so cross when the jack the lads come here and do bad work, get paid and pay nothing into the system, and cos they are English they get health care, but we have to prove that Mr N and hija are working! It's all wrong. I mean we don't mind paying our way, it's the bums who get up my nose, and I tell 'em!!!
Oh Neti, I was never suggesting that Hija doesn't work or doesn't pay her way - honestly I wasn't!!

I feel awful now that you think I was inferring that :o(

I shall cry, and cry and cry
Neti, please tell me I am forgiven and then I can stop crying. :o(
Just back from five hours sat round the hospital .No joy .Mr S still has a catheter .
This all too depressing for words ...We can't go anywhere,everything hinges on piddling procedures .Boy oh boy am I p%ssed off :))
Anyway he now has to see a specialist nurse who will give him some type of tap thing which he inserts himself and failing that it means another op to insert some of stent into the urether ,a supubric tube or something .
But I mustn't winge really .At least he's till trucking .

I've just made us super fat (sod it ) cheese,ham and mushroom omelettes and then I may hit the bottle of scotch I've been hiding .
Lovely day here ( not that I've seen much of it )
Hope you are all OK and KBO'ing ,which is about all one can do ...take care folks xxxx
I'm sorry ,so wrapped up in my own woes to say that I hope your tum soon settles down Woofy .
The doc gave me antibiotics recently for this eczema and I couldn't stomach them either and didn't finish the course .Oh and by the way I love that frock .

Hope your headache has abated Robinia ..

I need new clothes badly .I slop about in the same old stuff ( black trousers and some sort of top )and now the weather has turned I have nothing to wear and no idea of what to get or what's in fashion .
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can't find your post Lottie and not worried about it and the biddies are my friends. I am sooooo not going to be offended or upset by anything you say.
neti, wipe that vinaigrette dressing off and go indoors at once :-)
Its a good plain normal day here. DH is out in the garage tinkering with one of his bikes. Its the one I call mine with all the chrome on.

this one
He hasn't had it out over the winter and the petrol in it has gone off so he has to siphon most of it out and put new stuff in. We have been out buying goldfish today, as the heron cleared out my pond, and my pumpkin and tomato seed are coming up in the potting shed. next planting is heritage tomatoes (purple, green and stripey) and sweet peppers. The garlic is doing well (overwintered from last year) and I have 3 kinds of spuds in bags...just need some tree onions now and cardoons now.
Hi Shaney. Sorry about Mr Shaney. It's just so upsetting. A colleague of Mr LL's has just had a stent fitted into his urethra after having all sorts of problems. He was backwards and forwards to hospital too just like Mr S.

I have been sawing branches off in the hedge and I wish I hadn't bloomin' well started. I am taking a very overgrown forsythia right back to 3' and trying to cut dead wood out of a wild plum hedge and the sun is shining right in my eyes and its very hot.

Have just planted two new Pyracanthas into said hedge. The front garden now looks like a disaster area. I have come in for a drink, but must also hoover the lounge and sort the dishes out in the kitchen!!

Shaney, put a sack on and lets meet in Norwich. It will do you good and you can treat yourself to some new things. I can easily spend your money for you!! PLEASE!! Italian with wine too and I will treat you.

I won't take no for an answer. Mr S will be OK for a few hours.
Oh lottie, I never for one minute thought that you were having a go, it's just that I get embarrassed when I say she's on the dole and over explain myself, cos it really isn't like the British system! and I do know that I am soft when it comes to hija, but I've always got one excuse or another!! Mother love!!
Now mop yer tears, silly sausage. If I did have a go at any of yer, you'd all know!!

Yes woofy have been sunbathing, but I am so fat, I can't believe that I allowed myself to get to this size. I can still get into size 12 jeans but can't breathe!

Oh shaney, what a bitch, I may not always say anything, but honestly mr s , mr w, you and woofy and robi are always in my thoughts first thing, but i feel so clumsy with words that I prefer not to say anything.

Of course I also think of jude, lottie, dolly and jno, by 'eck it's like having a huge family (and I have enough of my real one!)

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