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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 18:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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Good morning all...bit dull & chillier.

Good luck with the lotto Jude, my neighbour did it once & won a few hundred!

Royal wedding requirements jno? Well don't just give us half the story, tut.
I have requirements for it too actually, I'm renting out my spare room to foreign tourists for 4 nights at £500 p night...ok, so I may have stretched the truth a tad in the ad & said it was just down the road from Westminster. Well it is only down the M1! ...And I may have said I'm 3 mins from the sea.... tis if you own a jet.
Better nip off & buy a bucket & bowl for the 'en-suite' :o)
Good Morning folk.

I love Popmaster. I don't do very well either. Sometimes I get to about 12 points, but that is very rare - its usually about 6. I can usually never remember exactly what year songs hit the charts unless a tune awakens a memory of that year.

Am off to take Megs out very shortly - then this afternoon am off with friend to a half price cream tea at the garden centre and to treat myself to a couple of plants (and a couple of bags of compost!!)
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Good mornig all, another lovely day feels like its going to be a lazy one....
Hmmmph, the sun has gone in here and it seems we might have sea mist coming in. It looks pretty settled too!!

I put my walk off, but I must go.
Trip to Ibiza very eventful, there was punch-up at the bus stop! (and twasn't me) there are all these spanish pensioners who get very cheap hols here now until May (imsersos) but they take up all the bus, so the locals were trying to get on, and I think residents should get on first, we have things to do and hospitals etc, they are merely on hol; but there were a couple of south american girls, one heavily pregnant who said, there are no bus queues in Spain, and started the fighting, and then the oldun's fought back, I'm standing there, guarding (I always nip on sharpish but no one seems to notice me) a very old ibicencan lady who can hardly stand, the weak driver is saying there will be two buses, then he sat in his seat just taking the money and ignoring the fighting. People were nipping on under other people arms and getting hauled off, well toe is sore so. I stood back. When they started getting on properly but still pushing, I said in a loud and spanish "let this old woman on, she's can hardly stand and is a local" well it was like the parting of the seas, they allowed her on, and then started the melee again, meanwhile I nipped on too! It is a disgrace.I sat next to a old local with a walking stick and the imsersos were shouting at him on the bus cos he nipped on out of turn. bedlam:

Bought myself a nice new pair of white straight leg jeans, expensive for me. I am ashamed of the amount of weight that I have put on!
Can you come and sort 'em out round here Neti .
Nobody queues anymore and it's a free for all.
You can be standing at the bus stop for ages and not a person in sight and the minute the bus pulls up people appear from nowhere and you get trampled in the rush .

What started out a lovely day has turned dull and dingy and I now have to traipse into the High St and risk life and limb at those ruddy traffic lights ( which they are still fiddling around with ) for my neighbours pink grapefruit and half a pound of mince .She lives high on the hoof yer know :))

Yo Jno ...where's my invite . I've polished my tiara especially :)
Hope you are all OK today .See you later .
I am wondering if jno is coming back on the same flight at Prince William!! ;o) I think she is really his bodyguard!!
Sorry, hello Shaney!! xx

It is really cold again here now. I'm somewhat fed up with it!!!
And what is a bus stop!!! I have forgotten about such things.

Actually I think I can summons a help the aged mini bus if I wan't. At the moment their route stops half a mile away!!
Well at least have activate my (free) bus pass and it cost 3€!!

Sorry biddybunch but am in a bikini and wrap and lolling in the sun, have actually used sunscreen and not olive and garlic oil!!!
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oof have been pottering around today avoiding cleaning the kitchen floor. I collect m and s cups and saucers...up to 6 now so I have just pulled them all and put them handy for posh coffee. Our neighbour came round yesterday, we have known her years and their younger boy is DH's godson. She really doesn't like dogs so will very rarely come into the house...yesterday was brilliant, I shut the dogs in the living room with access to the garden with DH who was working on the computer, and we sat down on the new furniture in the kitchen and had a lovely relaxed natter.
Talking of M and S I am having this dress
its out of stock on chubby fatbum size at the mo but I keep checking. I have no plan to go anywhere to wear it but just once more I want to float around and feel 18 again.
I would call that a Kaftan! I have a couple of huge cotton ones which I float around in the house all the summer.
Shaney I am surprised to hear about bus queues or non existence of. In Eastbourne we all queue very nicely and politely.and we greet the driver and thank him.
goodness, down here not only do people queue properly, but young people give up their seats to older ones! Imsersos, is that Spanish for grockles?

I bought two full length Kaftans last summer from the market, and love them. Spend all day in them in the summer when I am at home - not for gardening in though. Hope the guy on the market has them again this year. They don't touch anywhere and are so so comfortable.

That's a nice one Woofy!!

The weather turned lovely again at about 3.30pm so have been out and about after our cream tea and ended up taken Meggie to the River when she enjoyed lots of swimming, then called in for a cuppa and natter with Mrs LL junior. A very nice relaxed day.

Hopefully it will be nice tomorrow. I have no plans to go anywhere and want a nice please myself day at home.

Night, night Biddies.

Just found this website and wish I was young again!!
................... and a size 10 again!!!
........................ a 1970's size 10 which was smaller than today's size 10.

I now feel like an elephant in comparison!!
Morning all - hija is at police station, her friend is being done for drink driving, I've offered to colelct them but she said no, they'd get a taxi!

jno, imsersos are oaps!!
Just paid off taxi for daughter, back to bed for a while!

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words to a lullaby

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