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Sheffield Peregrines.

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Tilly2 | 20:33 Wed 22nd May 2019 | Twitching & Birdwatching
10 Answers
Melv, what's going on with the peregrines? Just looked at the webcam and it seems that there's a pair of adults but no chicks.


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It's good news that the male and the intruder seem to be bonding. I'm going for a look tomorrow, as they are displaying to each other.
It's a great place to watch peregrines, as some of the flying is at roof top height and sometimes lower.
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Thank you both for your answers.
Your welcome;-)
A dead peregrine has been found in a neighbouring district. Should get to know more when the bird is examined.
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I do hope it's not her, Melv.
The original female had injured a leg. So it's highly likely that it's her.
There's still no news on the dead peregrine. Could be someone trolling?

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Sheffield Peregrines.

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