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Sheffield Peregrines

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Tilly2 | 10:30 Sat 22nd Mar 2014 | Twitching & Birdwatching
13 Answers
I have just watched the Sheffield Peregrine lay her second egg! Wonderful sight.


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Is there two Peregrine nest boxes on live cameras? That one wasn't the one I expected to see.
Answered my own question there didn't I, of course there is, or it would have been the one I expected to see.
Is the other one in Nottingham?
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Frank I have Nottingham, Derby and Sheffield peregrine websites tabs open at all times. There is also another one in Norwich which I look at occasionally.
For ospreys, I also have Loch of the Lowes, Dyfi Opsrey Project and Rutland Water webcams open.

Sad, I know but it keeps me out of mischief.
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Thanks, I'll stay tuned as well!
Got three Peregrine cams and an Osprey cam on the go now, don't think I'll be doing much today. ;-)
Wait until the kestrel & barn owl cams are on line frank, you'll be getting in the ear from the Mrs:-)
Thanks Carrust. :)
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They are addictive, especially when the chicks hatch.
^Loving the sounds coming from that one!
Third egg laid this morning in Sheff :-)
4th egg laid this morning:-). Not being incubated though:-(

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Sheffield Peregrines

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