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Vaginal Bleeding

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restlesshaze | 05:29 Sat 30th Oct 2004 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
I love my hamster Jasmin. She is 3 1/2 years old and is very healthy for her age. She runs in her ball daily and is very active. I noticed her bleeding a lot one night. I washed off her vaginal area and then put her back in her cage. The next night there was no bleeding. Tonight she is bleeding heavily again. I looked up info on the net and there are two causes to vaginal bleeding. One has to do with a hamster who has given birth, which Jasmin hasn't, and the other says it could be ovarian cysts, but Jasmin's stomach is not swollen and she seems active and healthy. I've never seen her bleed this much. It isn't as if she is bleeding so bad she is unhealthy, it just worries me. I'm scared about her age. Bleeding heavier than normal could cause problems. Do you think she is nearing the end of her mensturation cycle or her mensturation cycle has suddenly changed because of her old age? Let me know your thoughts please!


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I'm sorry to hear about your hamster, it must be distressing for you. As you say she is 3 1/2 which is a good age for them. We had hamster a long time ago and never had anything like this happen, so personally I would take her for a check up at the vets as I would think any kind of bleeding is quite serious.

Sorry I can't help more.

Good luck

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The problem I have with taking her to the vets is I hardly have any money to spare. How much does a routine check-up cost, I wonder? I want to take her to the vets, but I have a lot of bills to pay and with the job I have it is hard to keep up with them all. Also, if this is a typically normal thing for a hamster her age to go through and I go and get her checked up and that's what they confirm, it would seem to me like a waste of money. I would feel better about it, but I was really hoping to get an answer here. I'm so scared for her. I don't want to lose her. :(

I found this off a website:

'Female hamsters don't have menstual cycles but once or twice in their life they may suffer from a small amount of vaginal bleeding. This bleeding is only very minor "spotting" and occurs for only a day or two. The cause for this is not known but it does not seem to be due to any illness.

Excessive or prolonged vaginal bleeding can be due to a uterine infection or other problem and should be investigated by a vet.'

I would speak to a vet to put your mind at rest, and to be kind to your hamster.

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Well, she seems to be okay now. The bleeding has stopped. Although she was in bed all day she has gotten up just now and drank some water and is very active. She is not squeaking and seems to be in no pain, even when she goes to the bathroom. If she had an uterary infection or the like, it would hurt for her to move. She is moving around fine and is responding well. I am so happy that she came through. I was so scared for her. Unfortunately I can't afford to take her to the vet but I think she will be just fine. She's had her period before. I read on another web site that they have them every four days? I've noticed just recently that she has had hers a couple times. I hope everything turns out okay. I love her and would do anything for her. I'm going to talk to my mom about helping me take her to the vets if this happens again, which I hope it won't. Thanks a lot for all your help. I hope I can save enough money to help her. I'm letting her rest right now.

Yes do speak to your mom about your hamster, otherwise it's unfair on your hamster to suffer should anything happen again. I know you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her. I think people should only keep pets if they can afford to look after them, so do speak to a parent if money is an issue. Good luck restlesshaze and hope your hamster stays well :-)

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Thank you all for your help. I think it was just a heavy period because I've examined her and she seems fine now. She's drinking and eating and recovering just fine. I am not pushing excercise on her right now, I think it is best for her to rest. I hope her menstural cycle just goes away. Thanks again everyone! :)

hi, my hamster millie is doing the same thing.  It happened about a week ago and came back today.  I've looked up things and i got a lot of answers.  One that came up a lot was bladder stones or kidney stones.  My hamster is turning 2 in september. 

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