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plants with eyes

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VINNY100_2 | 14:02 Sun 14th May 2006 | Animals & Nature
506 Answers

Just found this while googling,its absolutely fascinating.Anybody got any of these in there gardens..!!(:-)




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Eat what you like Neti ..I am very partial to a bit of tripe but of course everyone goes ..Yuk just can't get chitterlings and jot these days ....and to make matters even worse we now have the bird flu which makes Norfolk even more of a "persona non grata " than it was before .But we are made of stern stuff here and let flippant remarks go way over our dumplings .
Thanks ever so Kit ..I missed my old pal on my desktop.
Onwards and upwards ...
so heartless, neti. I mean how would you feel if you woke up one day and found that Mr Chorizo eating your legs?
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Evenin peeps..
well hopefully thats the last evenin I do over Barnstaple zuperbug.A nice lady is starting...I showed her the rope's..
mind you,she did wonder what rope's have got to do with the ole buffering...part of the job medear..(:O)
It was really weird coming home tonight.I drive about 9 miles on this unlit country road,And I slammed me brake's on coz I thought there were an animal in the was a bloomin henry hoover ...parked right in the middle of the weirds that.! then I aproached the roundabout and a tin of heinz baked beans were sitting bang slap in the middle of the road couldnt make it up if you tried....tell you what ...they went lovely on me toast..
Im hoping to find half a dozen eggs in the mornin...hehe..! no honest tis the truth...just saw a frog outside me house with a bandage strapped to his leg..I said watsup...! he said was somebody called netti...tried to bite me bloomin leg off..croak...tut....croak..!
play loud (((*_*)))
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Booger,forgot to say how much I enjoyed Kips parklife.
yo (*_*)
baked beans in the middle of the road? Maybe they ran out of gas...
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Took me 2and a half hours to type that,and they've all gone to bed..!
shucks honey....oh well..sips on another becks..... yoyoyoyoyoyoyo((*_*)))
play loud vin
Hi Vinny well I certainly appreciated your literary efforts ,had a real good laugh and thanks for asking after me . Won't bore you with the details but not been the best since early August anyway hoping for a brighter end to the year.
I do follow the Biddies around on my good days . It seems to be a bit cold for this time of year over there or have I just forgotten what it's like ! So I'm going to try and send something to keep Robi et al warm ( they'll have to share it ) so here goes .Well I failed no idea how to insert it on here so I'll go back to listening to you all .Bye for now!
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lol You dont know half of it jno...! ole Peg, down the "black venus" pub reckons she saw me drunk as a skunk last saturday..and I wernt no where near that pub...! its on bloody exmoor ...10 mile away...Im sure she got derby blood in er..oh arrrrrr.(:O)
bloomin eck...its six weeks today...♫..its begining to look a bit like xm..♫.nope i better not..
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Hiya Dolly.
good to hear from you,yep its bloody freezing at the mo.had frost on me car this morning...thought it was those bloody shi-tehawks again.Dont year will be better for you.take care Dolly... vin xxx
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Mornin huns..
oi...who chucked that plate.
well thats the best nights kip ive had in a while.I bought one of those bed toppers memory foam thingys...they actually work...and if you jump of the bed you can see the imprint of know what men are like in the mornin....yes it showed that up to..hehe...! .lovely and sunny at the mo.dont the leaves on the trees look brill this time of year.
catch you later...(:O)
Morning Vinny and all. Made my morning with Led Zep, it's still playing - great!! I Love Robert Plant!
Didn't know you were into Led Zep Vin
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Mornin jude,
Im a big Led Zep fan and Deep Sabbath... Pink Floyd.the strollin bones(old stuff)Free.Hendrix...and many many more..
did I ever tell you I like the Beatles.(:O)
but I like to keep in down on ere....coz the old ones keep moanin about the noise...hehe..! quickly legs it>>(*_*)
morning monkeys...

well as I was reading all your posts I was mentally preparing my usual mega-drvel until. . . .
I got to Vin's memory foam, hahahaha....can't stop laughing.....picture of the imprint please.....oh, lord, I've got strawberry yoggy all over me keyboard.....

Morning Dolly hope you areOK.

Do you ever feel you are on a different planet. I do today with you lot! What is Vinny's memory foam, please, I am completely and utterly lost and feel I must creep off to the nearest frogpond for lunch and it'll all be your fault!!!
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Get out of that pond now netti,goodness me...the womans frog (:O)
Memory foam. That sounds brilliant - maybe cure the bad back I wake up with if I've stayed in the sack too long!
Hiya Dolly hope you're ok and feeling better these days.
It's lovely sunshine here at the mo but I think it's due to change later on. Must get some house work done. See yer later :o)
Brill weather here today - nice and peaceful in the house. Daughter says new pad is filthy, plates still in sink since before she arrived,rabbit and cat poo everywhere, so luckily her old apartment is looking for a flatmate so she's moving in there.
haha, well, I'd hang to that memory foam, Vinny... in 20 years you'll look at it and won't believe the impression you made...
Well the boobies are about right - so is it " as pi**ed as a neti" from now on?

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