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Voltorol Motorcycle Grandpa

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Smartmart1 | 22:50 Tue 30th Mar 2021 | Adverts
12 Answers
On the early adverts and on the music video website, the sidecar is set up for left-hand drive and drives on the right.

On more recent adverts, the sidecar is now set up for right-hand drive and drives on the left.

In both cases, the number plate appears the right way round.

Was this advert filmed twice OR is the number plate photoshopped?

Either way - it is a nice advert


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Ignore the bike and look at the winding path in the grass in the grass on the left-hand side of the image here
Now look for the same path here:
You'll have seen that the path has swapped sides, meaning that the image has been reversed (with CGI being used to deal with the consequent number plate problem).

[Ruddy 'eck! I must be really bored tonight!]

Is that the same girl who finds £1 coin in a supermarket trolley ?
Clever stuff.
>>> Is that the same girl who finds £1 coin in a supermarket trolley ?

Yup, Tambo. It's Tallulah Conabeare
I wouldnt have noticed the difference in bike adverts.

A lovely lil actress & lovely name.
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Thanks for all replies and the effort put in. We have now established that the print has been reversed - but why? Did someone make a mistake or is it aimed at different markets?
Thanks for your reply. (Most new members on this site seem never to bother acknowledging the replies they get, so it's always pleasant to hear back from someone).

The ad was filmed in the UK (around Box Hill in Surrey), with the motorbike actually being ridden by former British Motorsport champion Paul Swift. (It's a Triumph Bonneville). The advertising agency (Saatchi & Saatchi) clear made two versions, so that the ad could be shown outside the UK as well as for the domestic market. It's likely that someone at the agency then accidentally provided the overseas version of the ad to TV broadcasters but then remedied the situation once the error was spotted.
This is not an answer just observation comments.
Two other errors noted. The engine he lifts up is not a Triumph engine, think it is an Enfield.
Also the exhaust note is wrong, the Triumph is a twin and the exhaust note is a single cylinder bike.
Good advert, love it!
Good grief, I came on to check the music situation. I swear when it played a few days ago it was accompanied by different music. Today it feels familiar again, so either I've adjusted to the new music or it's back to the original one. So much more to check out now LOL.
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I noticed the change in music as well - I prefer the original.

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Voltorol Motorcycle Grandpa

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