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The search found 85 results for your search:

clear ringing

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9A Healer administering drops (4,6) R??? DOCTOR and 5D Having a clear ringing sound - that's elementary (7) ???V?R?
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Is it silvery? If so, why? I get the silver element bit.
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Having a clear ringing sound - that's elementary Is it silvery and if so, why? I get the element bit. Thanks....
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further to my previous post on 26th mar (ringing in ears and head, help pleease) , my symptoms seem to have got worse!! i finished the course of doxycyline yesterday but the ringing has gotten louder...
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Help with three please. 5d. Claimants clear difference of opinion. 9. 12a, Royal heirs top priest in church 5.6. 14a. Distressed crew skip ringing harbour with this result. 9. Many thanks....
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I would really appreciate some guidance on what is likely to happen and what I should do as I am getting really stressed out and my life feels like it has been messed up for good and I don't know what...
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Hi, my husband had a suspected TIA about 4 weeks ago. He had all the usual tests at hospital and was put on medication. His initial symptoms were numbness in lips, face, leg and arm on left side along...
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I'm putting this in Chatterbank as more people will see it especially with all the crossword traffic today! We need some simple advice from anyone who can help please. We are looking to have a very...
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My new neighbour has a driving licence that has old points on it. He has moved near me and will send his licence off for the new address to be put on. As it is now effectively a 'clean' licence, will...
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Hi all, just wondering if you could help me. I have been arrested on suspicion of common assault. Basically, I have been getting bullied for weeks by 2 girls (one is a house mate and the other is her...
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I put a deposit down on a property 2 weeks ago and i paid the application fee's at the estate agence. 4days later the estate agent rang me and asked if i would move into a upper flat owend by the same...
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moggie 939
I have just bought a basic Nokia 1800 Mobile which siuts my needs, but I cannot see in the 'manual' how I can set it to lock/unlock to stop it going off by accident (or is that not posible on this...
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clue1.clear and ringing , c?a?i?n clue2, in the first place, f?r? s?a?t thanks
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My son is 10 today! and me and his father split up when he was very young due to his violence and throwing me about even when I was pregnant, I had our son and hechanged even more...for the worse, his...
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Who should I turn to? Yesterday afternoon my 14 yr old son and his friend came home with a police officer, who discussed with me that his friend (also 14) had been reported missing since monday,...
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I unfortunately got myself into debt with my credit card and my husband has just got us a remortgage with which we are going to completely clear my credit card so we don't keep having to pay the...
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I hope some of you guys & girls can help me out.While on the net just now my Norton Personel firwall box popped up on my screen.It basicaly read Medium risk windows subsytem is attempting to access...

1 to 17 of 17

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Stuck on 5d I have ?I?V??? help appreciated.
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My friend is after a Saint Etienne song form one of their early albums which contains the line, roughly I might add, things are getting better or something along those lines. Has anyone any idea...
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moggie 939
I have just bought a basic Nokia 1800 Mobile which siuts my needs, but I cannot see in the 'manual' how I can set it to lock/unlock to stop it going off by accident (or is that not posible on this...
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I had a particularly heavy cold just before Christmas which affected my sinuses (and everything else). I always get clogged up ears when I get any colds which take a while to sort themselves out....
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Today I had a query with a shop and I ended up telephoning trading standards.  I am not sure they gave me accurate advice.  The officer said that as I had not paid, there was no...
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As the last one has gone into the ether Answerbank vault. Here's the new one Many know how to play, they isn't rules as such just post a song lyric that follows on from the previous one.
you can... ...
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royfromaus   Who is in favour? ...
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royfromaus   Who is in favour? ...
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is anyone going to see the new drama starting tonight on ITV? may give the first episode ago.. specially now I've finished with both vigil and the nightstalker...
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How a lot of the big stores/ businesses are suddenly blaming the pandemic for the failure of their business, now in a lot of cases this may be true, but there are many that were already on the verge...
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ToraToraTora It's a lowlife career criminal, not Mother Theresa! Jesus on a bicycle!...
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i have been, due to ill health unable to work. I have had three major breakdowns the last one being in 2014 where i had ECT, much against my wishes but apparently i wasn't making any sense, and was...
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Lets share your best poem that you love most
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Lets share your best poem that you love most
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. . . for you if you're bored: I'm pleased to report that I scored 6 out of 6 on the 'Liverpool or Rome?' one but, given that it's designed...
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Still looks a bit embryonic and possibly in danger of looking a little Lib-Demish but I like the idea of potential candidates being asked to sign strict term limits, to stop the current practice that...
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Has anyone had any experience of dealing with of Manchester? Thanks for any info....
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Had half an hour chat with the Doctor yesterday. Managed to get some answers and some clarification. Heads up to the man he was very accommodating indeed, and didn't seem to mind explaining things for...
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I confess that during the 80's I was opposed to much of what she was doing, but I now think, with the luxury of hindsight, that I have to agree with Niall Ferguson, do you agree?
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And coming from a load of Uni Academics it is a surpriseing prediction: * Brexit will allow the UK to halve net migration, a major study finds today. * The cut will provide a long-term boost to wages...

1 to 20 of 65

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Are pop song mobile phone tones legal

A. In a lot of cases, no, and this is the beginning of another rapid take-off of modern technology bringing a lucrative and illegal money-spinner into action. Q. How does it work A. It's01:00 Mon 31st Dec 2001

Where can I find good mobile phone accessories for Xmas presents online

Asks kerry A. Most websites that sell mobile phone accessories are currently running special offers on their products in the run-up to Christmas in order to persuade you to buy online instead of from01:00 Mon 26th Nov 2001

Is nostalgia good for pop music

A. People who study history are of the opinion that in order to see where we are going, we need to see where we've been. That may be true in terms of avoiding military conflict; it doesn't01:00 Tue 26th Jun 2001

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