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I hit an SUV - or heavily bumped - in a supermarket carpark. I stopped. Checked both cars. There was no damage to mine and the SUV was so marked already it was hard to tell. I waited for about 10...
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If you gave a statement to the police and then withdrew it saying that it wasn't tru, what could happen?
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I've been summonsed to give a witness deposition against a friend. I understand that I must attend, but what happens if I refuse to give evidence against her?
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does anybody know if this would show on an enhanced crb check - i went into police station for questioning and they arrested me as my name was involved, i never had to answer bail and my friend who...
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if a crime is commited in west yorkshire where would the dna evidence go for testing?thank you.
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my b/f assaulted me and my child got slapped across the face in all this, i went to a neighbours and she called the police they came took a statement and pictures and i signed this but totally honest...
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What is the UK equivilent to Cornmeal ??
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Jack Maude
does anyone know what the sweet bits of LA are made from?
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how long does ot stay on record for. Am I able to do volunteer work with children.
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what is the time limit from the time you get caught on a speed camera to actually recieving the summons to go to court are there any exceptional circamstances for the police to ignore this

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