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I'd like to use my favourite mouse (a "Hawley" Honeywell 2-button serial mouse) on my new PC that runs Windows ME, but it doesn't recognise the device. Do I need to install a driver (and if so, where...
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Where can I find a calendar of charity "awareness weeks" (or awareness days) and charities' collection weeks?
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The test for meningitis is that the red rash remains coloured when a tumbler is pressed against it (usually the skin turns white). Why?
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Why do PCs run progressively slower with age, despite regular 'file housekeeping' that reduces hard disk space used and disk defragmentation?
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Is the UK TV producer/director John Gorman the same man who was in the 60s group Scaffold?
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Why is Radio2 newsreader Fenella Haddingham never on morning news/travel/banter duty unless Terry Wogan is away?

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