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I'm desperate to replace my ageing and decrepit 266mhz donkey of a pootah. Dell are currently offering their Dimension 2350; 2.6ghz, 512mb ddr ram, 60gb HD and 15' tft all for ?799 of your British...
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I've just tried writing a music file to a CD for the first time using Windows Media Player. I did one track to see if it came out alright; it did. Put the CD back in the rewriter drive and the...
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maitre d'
I have a patch of noticeably dark - sort of purpley colour - skin [about the size of an orange] just above my ankle on the inside of my leg. It started off about 3' in diameter about 8 years ago on...
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I would love to live abroad,...somewhere hot,..but places like Australia and America you need loads of 'points' to get in,...How can I with no proper qualifications and at 28 years old move abroad and...
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Whats the name of the BBC's Murder Game theme music and where can I get it?
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I was wondering, in the film what is the connection between Rogue and Wolverine? I haven't seen either of the X-Men films, but I was just curious!
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Where can I find an alcatel 511 for sale in london? (Brand new if possible but not on the internet).
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I have a website on Tripod and I want to put pictures up on it. I want to get thumbnails and when people click on them it opens the image in a new window (larger image). How do I do this? At the...
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What website sells DVDs the cheapest? I normally use and they aren't too expensive.
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I have recently found that when using IE5.5 I am unable to get on to SSL protected websites, I updated to IE6 and still no change. When I try I get a 'Page could not be displayed error' and it says...
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Can anyone tell me how to fix my 'clock freezing' problem on my laptop? everytime i shut it down and reboot my clock is a complete random time, usually the time i shut my laptop down! Please help!!
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How difficult would it be for someone to look in to your hotmail account (of course the wouldn't know your password)? Would it be easy peasy or quite difficult if they were determined?
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best site for free ringtones and logo`s
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is there anywhere i can get free ringtones/graphics for a nokia 3310?
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Hi I saw a really cool site the other day that had slightly transparent colors. It had a dropdown menu, but the colors were slightly transparent so you sould still se the images text etc behind it...
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On the episode of Mr Bean when he looks after that baby at the funfair he has to chnage its nappy on the waltzers. In the background there is some music playing and ill i seem to remember is the part...
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When Elvis finishes singing his song
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When asked this riddle, 80% of kindergarten kids got the answer, compared to 17% of Stanford University seniors. - What is greater than God,More evil than the devil,The poor have it,The rich need...
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Does anyone know any good sites relating to in car audio syustems

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