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OMG what a horribel weekend I've had, as I woke up saturday morning to find a letter from my boss about my "inappropriate behaviour!". Let me explain; Every month at my work we get a magazine out with...
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we all know the government have reduced taxes to try and get us spending and to compensate for this they will eventuall reinstate the 17.5% rate and maybe even increase it to cover the losses instead...
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Hi, I used to like playing the game Cannon Fodder on the old Amiga. Does anyone know if there is a similar game on the PC. Not just a shoot em up but a game that needs a bit of thought to get through...
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Could someone tell me if there is a USB socket on an xbox 360? and is it possible to play movies from a memory stick that ive downloaded from a PC? Many thanks
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does my Wii console need to be chipped to play downloaded games?
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Has anyone tried those night vision glasses? I've seen them advertised, sort of yellow coloured ones, but do they work? I have to drive along a nightmare of a country lane every night, twisty, no...
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Why is it that most girls farts do not smell....but all blokes farts absolutey stink!
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OMG!! im going to have nightmares tonight!! the hollyoaks later was soooo horrid!!! but im soooooo glad that Niall /matthew is dead!! and Tom is safe once again :) xxx
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Hi folks, I have just got another dog, and have found that her poo has gone really runny and green (nice). I have a feeling that this is because I have started feeding her different food than she used...
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im on windows vista ha ha i cannot copy or paste anything
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if the item I have put up for auction does not sell for what I hoped can I refuse to sell it ? I know I should be able to obtain this infor from ebay but well thats a joke just like any other "help...
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1p for a lt
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Does anyone know if there are website you can subscribe to that will post out free demo discs for xbox 360 games?
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I have aproblem. My Dell Inspiron laptop has a broken screen and a faulty power input socket. Also the battery is totally dead so I cannot turn the laptop on or see what is going on even if I could...
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In some parts of France, there are spider farms. Why would anyone want to farm spiders.
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My rather selfish 'friend' has had 4 abortions and shes only 25! When does the doctor say enough is enough? Or are your choices unlimitied and you could continue to have more and more? Im quite sick...
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Makes a change from Christmas - lol In aid of either Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice or the British Red Cross so like last time please make ?1 cheque payable to one of these If sending cash state...
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Might shave my b@lls. Any advice?
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Hello Buying a Nintendo wii and wondered what the best games to get are? Looking for fun family games (children 4 & 7). Thanks for your help
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Ive never seen a James Bond film and im going to a Bond Party! Ive tried googling the characters so i can choose what to go as but its useless! Can you give me some female characters so i can google...

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