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aka pixi
Just lately I have been so bloody tired it is really getting me down :( I have fibromyalgia which causes tiredness and lack of energy but its not normally this bad, and Im not sure thats whats causing...
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AB Asks
The American presidential election has generated a lot of interest in the papers, particularly because of the intense rivalry between Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. However the parties are still...
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anyone know why melissa porter from dream homes wear the same outift every show??? any ideas???
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In 1992 while working for Norwich Union I bought from them some mortage linked endowment policies to cover a new mortage taken out with one of the company's 'recognised lenders'. As an employee of...
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Does anyone know if you can get a fruit and nut easter egg? Thanks
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I was attacked and robbed the other night in newham. I feel so angry I want to go after them, find them and hurt them. What is the best way I can deal with these feelings?
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I have been flashed runnig a red light by 2.1 seconds. I was clocked at 70 mph in a 40mph zone....It was a complete error of judgement on my part as I thought it safer to continue rather than stop...
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hello, I need some help here. I have to attend court because I was driving the car without the insurance. Situation is that I went to check the car that I found on ebay. It was a good car so I decided...
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How To Drill & Tap a Thread ?
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My parents own 4 dogs, two of which have shown aggression towards our 2 year old. On one occasion resulting in one of the dogs inflicting a bite wound to her face. They don't live nearby which means...
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I am going to have an opp soon I i have never had anything like this done.I was wanting to know what it feels like when you wake up from being under general anaesthetic
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my job means that i am on my feet all day. By the end of the day the pain in my heels is immense. Can anybody recommend any BRANDS / MAKES of shoe that might have built in padding on the soles or are...
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Is it really possible to crack open a safe with a stethoscope, or is this just the work of Hollywood?
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AB Asks
Cheryl Cole, still looking incredibly thin, arrived back in London as she reportedly is here to decide the fate of her marriage to unfaithful husband Ashley Cole. There are rumours that she has...
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Can someone please tell me what everyone is going on about when they say "s.w's to you". She says it, the audience say it and I feel left out! Help please.
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our neighbour came banging on our door this morning saying our roof tile has flown off and landed on his car and made some damaged to it (he has a BMW lol ), he want to claim the damage of our home...
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not sure which category to put this in but anyway.... i need a nickname for my nephew that has just been born ......he is called ....erm..... Forest .... yeah i know, anyway i need a nickname for him...
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My poor little girl (aged 10) and I have been struggling with these little blighters for 4 years now. My daughter has long thick naturally ringletted hair (thus these lousy lice love it). 2 weeks ago...
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My neighbours from hell are making our lives misery, with their coming and going with motor vehicles, lack of maintenance of drive, fags end all over drive, damage to garden posts from reversing. Have...
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how can i keep birds from roosting on my tv aeriel. their droppings are right above my door

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