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q 1; Make a Knight return,for example backing this move?(5) b?d?e q 2;Gets out the water used on wash-day?(5) d?i?s q3;late coming back like this?(5) g?o?t q4; Put trust in the rest finally getting...
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stuck on bottom left hand corner.27a. routine abstainer gets point of heraldic line.????e?t? 21d. stopped being condemned in report. ???m?? 22d. no frenchmen take silver after returning food. thanks...
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28a One of the areas of tissue in the wall of the small intestine (6,5) P _ Y _ _ /P _ _ _ H. and 14a Funnel shaped bodily parts (11) I _ _ _ N _ I _ _ _ A. Many thanks
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12A Man about two hundred and fifty an animal Thanks in advance
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Need help please 1 across..Unsuccessful suitor of Portia in Shakepeare's The Merchant of Venice -R---- -- ------- 11 across.. Of text characters, written or printedbelow others --------T? 36...
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1A - Book cover part of it cut? Also 9A - Watch dial secondary function?
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16a twelfth month of jewish religious year and sixth month of civil year 4 letters A-A- MANY THANKS
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Does anyone know what has happened to Brian's site for Express crossword answers
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is 9 across RESERVE? and if so why? please also can,t get 22 down burrow takes in water? 4 letters -O-T many thanks
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Can anyone confirm that 6d is WEATHER NOTATION ?? I am not familiar with that expression Clue is Abbreviations for meteorological phenomena (7,8)
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Sun Express Crusader 9a On paper 2,5,3,5 Totally stumped on this one. Thanks in advance.
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15d Spain lost, meeting Italy at home in match, so put out(9) E _ _ _ I _ A _ _ 23a Form quite unpredictable-better discounting both sides(9) E _ _ _ U _ T _ _
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2d the long, jointed pithy of hollow flexible stem of the bamboo (4) c?n? 8d French term meaning a blue stocking, an itnellectual woman (3,4) b?? bleu thanks
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4d turner watercolour-its front and back 5 letters 15a a little bedaubed mug covering fabric 6 letters ending in K many thanks
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1) Who lived at Arden House? I can only find Shakespeares grand parents and that seems a bit tenuous. No hint on number of letters 2) What was Lowry's house number in Stalybridge St, Mottram. I can...
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loose scrum m?u? thanks!
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purify with fragrant perfume from a thurible, make an ugly scene and cause awareness we hear c???e eccentric person backing into large container of liquid t?? thanks anyy one
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Struggling with this a bit, answers are different types of bread, foreign etc, in some cases needs to be followed by the word BREAD to make sense. (no number of letters given) 5. Cattle feed. 9. Eye...
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1. In which sport do you associate a bonk bag? 2. In which sport would you high five a setter after a successful smash?
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bald eagle
14d holds one is dealing with, 3 words 3, 2 and 4 letters, believe answer maybe cap in hand? 3d terribly glad I switched on for, though it's wasteful. 8 letters ?r???g?? 1d cutting the boss short is a...

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