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My boyfriend has an old cat of 14 years. We are very worried as his belly has recently swollen enormously. The vet said this was putting pressure on his heart and also found he has a heart murmur. He...
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Who else agrees that having sex with animals should be legalised?
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Does anyone know how you would know if you had back cancer ie: would you get a hard lump on your back and other symptoms!!!
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the boring old f****s get our questions banned, should that be allowed, cos watch out i am gonna be queen of banning the crap
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a sparrowhawk keeps attacking birds in the garden, is there a way i can deter this?
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Captain Swab
Well well, he has finally bitten the dust. As much as i am saddened by any death, this fella had it coming for a while. I feel sorry for his wife and child, but still seem to think it was kind of his...
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only answer this if you're comfortable with it and please take it at least a little bit seriously! what was your first experience of sex like?
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anyone know the average age of an alcoholic at death
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Whats happenend to the Question guys
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why were the prizes on the crystal maze so terrible? Ballooning in Wales for the afternoon? Id rather cut my arm.
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What's the exact recipe for making the perfect trifle?
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where do mummy and daddys get babies from. Is it from naughty cuddles?
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Why did God choose to be a Jew?
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I have just found some old prescription painkillers in my cupboard. Does anyone know where I should dispose of them please?
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What highway is overrun by reptiles
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I got married recently and already he's sick to death of my boobs!!!! what am I to do? BTW any jobs goin! (not blow thanks)
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Dear Whiffey, Your comments are rubbish, probably as rubbish as a pot noodle and a broken kettle. Why dont you try some come backs? Im waiting. The VirgMister general
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Whos the grassy jobs worth that keeps squealing on us "greenies" - all we want to do is integrate with you weridos and become "grey" - would you take that away from a dying man (im not dying by the...

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