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If only the Good,God fearing,faith inspired,religous 10 commandment adhereing folk are going to heaven when they pass...and the rest of us are condemmed to darkest corners of Hell...Then me being one...
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My daughter of 5 has chicken pox both me and my partner have both had chicken pox can we catch it again or get shingles?
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My brother has now owed my mother ?5000 being a councillor you would of thought he would act more like a pillar of the community .It is now 3 years and not a penny .Sent emails and all he does is...
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I'm interested in people's different beliefs (unlike some people on this site). I like to have an open mind and always like to more more. I don't know much about Paganism except that they revere...
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Still have a bit left over from Christmas. What can it be used for. Any ideas?
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Just wondering if anyones started???
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my son has just turned 3, and we have just returned from our annuel hoilday, which i enjoyed to an extent. the thing is our son seems to be over active and i got to the point where i didnt want to be...
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my son is seven years old, and my sisters daughter said that he wanted to see her private( she's four years old) now my sister won't let my son near her kids she refers to my son as a child malester...
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My friends little sister just had her first baby and he weighed 10lb 12 oz !! Anyone else had a big baby? My boy was 9lb 7 1/2 oz and I thought he was big lol
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How does this work? I find that the longer someone is away the more I get used to them not been there and then you start to forget what they look like and then forget about them altogether. Anyone...
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Why is it difficult to find a stylist who can cut curly hair properly? Looking for a good stylist in Renfrewshire who can revive my long curly hair without trying to straighten it ...
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How come whenever there is a 'water shortage' I can happily walk around the supermarket and there is an isle full of it? Also what's your favourite bottled water to cleanse your inner body and soul?...
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hi! im onli 14 but I'm having trouble deciding which career id like to follow. I know i'd do well in medicine - its complicated, lol. But the qualifications to get into med school are AAA in...
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Im 14 and i really need a job. Where is the best place to look and what sort of jobs am i legaly alowed to do?
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I studied music at university & would love to find a job choosing the incidental music for television shows/films. Does this job even exist? Where/how would I go about applying? Thank you :-)
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thinking of starting my own window cleaning company, of course for now it will only be me. What do I nned to think about apart from - tools, water, cleaning products, transport, ladder, insurance,...
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May 17 is Ascension Day. How will you celebrate?
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why do people sell their souls to the devil? can people feel that god has left them and they just have no other option.
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I know that Santa Claus exists. He is real. You must believe me or you will perish for all eternaty. Santa loves you and wants to be kind and loving to you. He has given you all such wonderful gifts...
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Do you think that if I pray to the Vingin Mary and ask her to intercede on my behalf to get the gravity reduced - to stop me falling down so much - it would have a chance of working?

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