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Ha ha ha ha ha! Is the cat just trying to get the dog out of the way for the dog's own protection, do you think? They seem friendly enough otherwise - the...
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Henning Mankell, author of the Wallander books, was on one of the ships to Gaza and is one of the survivors. I thought some of you might be interested in reading this...
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I was clickjacked on Facebook the other day. This article - courtesy of ABer Netibiza who showed it to me - describes exactly what happened. With one exception: I did NOT click on the 'Click here to...
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Just wanted to share this article.
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Evening ChatterBankers, can I be a nosey foreigner and ask what you would add to this list and what you would remove? Just for fun!...
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Is it just me where when you go to type a question (or answer) there are scroll bars to the right and bottom of the box? If it's just me how do I get rid of them?
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Can anyone advise about spikes to go over shoes in icy conditions
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fӓrg vartvit papper (they are all from the same language) thank you...
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I am sure that I read a question about a flatulent hound earlier tonight, I am also sure that I posted on the thread. But now it has gone - spontaneously combusted! Or did I imagine it?...
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Love it, that's much better, thank you Ed!
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It is annoying that one can spend time constructing a question, and practically at the end one may wish to enter a search in Google, only to find afterwards when one clicks 'go back one page' to leave...
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I'll try this here before I go to Technology as lots of you are FB whizzes. I got an email on my Hotmail account from Joe Soap (not his real name) asking me to be his friend on FB. He also listed...
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Complete absence of news. Do I assume, the inevitable outcome of her disease process?
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I have a three years or so old version of Vista. When I look at photos in My Pictures it automatically goes into slideshow mode after a while, if I've been looking at several photos in a row. I can...
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Came across a saying today that i've never heard before it 's "he swam in the sea of diamonds" does anyone have any idea what it means? Does it mean someone who is very bright?
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I don't mean the flouncers ...... Can you think of any one-time regulars who appear to have gone for good? There was Gelda, Ethel and Whiffey. Whiffey, sadly deceased, and I think Ethel and Gelda are...
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does anyone know what the second song she's singing is called please?
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When one clicks on the avatar, up comes the statistics on that particular person. Sometimes under 'Gender' it will say "not set". Does that mean for some reason, the person does not want...
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A few people on here were reporting problems with their robinia frisias earlier this year & I wondered how you went on, did they recover? Is it now happening to others too? I'm absolutely gutted to...
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Anyone got any idea what Garam Masala is in Spanish? I must admit I've only ever seen "curry" in the supermarkets.

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