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Does anyone have any ideas of why Dumbledore trusts Snape so much???
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Now that JK Rowling has officially named her next book who do you think is the half-blood prince?? I initally thought it could possibly be something to do with Neville Longbottom, but have since...
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why couldn't lily potter disapparate to save herself and why couldn't dumbledore sense using legilimency that wormtail had been passing information ?
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Why couldn't Harry see the thestrals when he was going on the horseless but thestralful carriages after fourth year ?
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Is it just me who is quietly depressed because the majority of questions in the art and literature section are about Harry bleedin Potter? What happened to true art, where are the thoughtful and...
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It is not Neville. This is what dumbledore said that proves that Neville is a Pureblood. "But he may have chosen wrong!" Said Harry. "he might have marked the wrong person!" He chose the boy that he...
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Dark Lillian
Ok, I have a question that I've never been able to figure out...maybe the answer's really obvious and I missed something, does Voldemort have his wand back right now? On the day that he...
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why didnt harry see thestrals in all these years? he had seen his parents death and that does not take 14 years to sink in.
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Do you think it would be cool if Johnny Depp was in one of the Harry Potter movies?
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Who do you think Harry Potter will get with in book 6? Do you think Ron and Hermione will finally hook up?
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Where is Harry's other family? The Potters?

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