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Hello Abers one and all. While you are delving into your brain cell archives for surnames, I wonder how many of you can come up with internet names starting from the letter A right through to Z,...
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It's me again, your favourite "spoon"... ...maybe. Anyway, continuing on the names Z to A, I thought that we should try the surnames this time. So, can you think of any surnames starting from Z and...
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Hello one and all, hope you are fine? Now, who wants a PSA? The reason I ask, is that I have a reverse A to Z for you: this time, if you are up for the challenge, how many boys or girls names can you...
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Hello Abers, it's me again, your common or garden Spoonboy. On this theme, I have come up with an A to Z which might usurp all the others, as there are many hybrids. Starting from the letter A, how...
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I know this should be in the cheesy jokes section, but, Abers one and all, do you find vampires to be a complete pain in the neck at times?
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Actually, I am finding it too slow on here tonight. So, I thought another Spoony quiz was in the offing. Another A to Z maybe. O please, please, don't all groan at once. A PSA for the first person...
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Hello one and all. Do you have difficulty coming up with appropriate titles for questions? No? I do. Anyway, 36 answers with the last A to Z, mega posts with the first two, which I almost went kaboom...
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Hello fellow Abers. The sun is shining somewhere in the universe, and I am feeling happy. Why? You may ask. Because we have a week left before we move. In the mean time, I have another A to Z for you....
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Starting from A, how many musical instruments, from the top of your head, can you name through the alphabet? Good luck, thanks in advance, and have fun. Spoony xx...
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Hello one and all. Georgiesmum wished for another challenge, so here it is... Name me seven animals in the jungle beginning with the letter T? Good luck. And thanks in advance. Ooh, yes. Have fun....
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Chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter. Chatter,chatter, chatter. I'm glad I got that off my chest. Is there anything you would like to get off your chest? Please, feel free. Spoony xx...
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Following on from my A to Z, Abers, I thought that I'd pose a harder one for you. Beginning with any letter in the alphabet, from the top of your head, see how many words you can think of with that...
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Hello everyone, tis me again, your friendly if oft bonkers spoony. Just a couple of lines to show my appreciation in my A to Z post. For, with only nine posts left to go before I went kaboom, you...
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I can't put it in quizzes and puzzles because I would have to fill in the onscreen form: so, Abers one and all, from the top of your head and starting, of course, from the letter A and ending with Z,...
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Hello one and all. Out of the many to choose from, which is your favourite group of the 90's?Mine is TTF - The Time Frequency.Many thanks in advance. Spoony :))...
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Hello Abers one and all. Do you have any useless information you'd like to add here? Like, did you know a cockroach's brain is located inside its body, and if it loses its head it can live up to nine...
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Hello ABers.I don't know which category this should be in, but, are 0800 numbers free on mobile phones as they are on landlines? Thanks in advance, Spoony....
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Well good news everyone: did not know this question I am posting is the age I am now?! I might go and pop a bit of bubble wrap!...
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Of course, I have yet to conquer myself ABers. Although, I feel that I am getting there. Good evening one and all. I decided on a short break from my writing to share something with you tonight, and...
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Hello ABers one and all. I hope you are all well and enjoying yourself. I am psyching myself up at the moment as I have a root block injection tomorrow afterrnoon I am a bit hesitant about; for, if it...

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