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speshial k8

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Insane Wally
So flying the St George Cross is racists is it? I always thought is was England's national flag, & not that of the BNP! Seeing as George was Turkish, maybe it would be fine to fly their flag! Other...
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With Labour's humiliation at the polls, maybe Blair will realise he can't just make decisions on behalf of the country without the consent of the people. What do you think?
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I've just got back off holiday and use the washer reservoir to clear my car's windscreen. The stench of vomit coming from it was so over powering I nearly through up. I tried draining it and replacing...
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What did people use as a reference point for the taste of unidentified meat before chickens were domesticated?
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is it true that wine can lower your cholesterol levels?
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how many calories and saturated fat are in maltesers?
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Approx. how many feathers does a fully grown turkey have?
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Where does the sea go when the tide goes out?
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Nifty Shoes
Which Limp Bizkit track features a sample of the pocket watch tune from The Good The Bad and The Ugly?
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Can somebody tell me if they know what cool song has the sample 'would you like me to seduce you' taken from the movie, The Graduate. The song sounds like something from an artist called 'Demitri from...

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