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My wifes laptop was dropped resulting in the catch which holds the telephone cable clip being bust. I am told this cannot be fixed since the catch is part of the case. I cannot now find a way to hold...
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Nobody has asked about the ancient Berber kingdom 22a, so I must be the only dumbo in Britian who knows zilch about ancient Berbers...expect a thousand answers.
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I look forward to doing the DT GK crossword every Saturday and it has now (sadly or otherwise) become part of my weekend ritual. But have any of us who contribute to this website ever won, or know...
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1. Seen the answers and ha! ha! funnies to question why lettuces bolt. Happened to our celeriac last to stop it???? 2. Leeks attacked last two years by small grub which burrows into stem,...
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Stuck on 32d games in Greece, not Olympics, every 4 years. Thanks in advance!!! Sleeper2
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30 down speak or utter in a certain way....crossword solvers say no word tp fit e.o.n.e so where have i gone wrong???
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Hi am new to this site...nice to see all the Good Wishes for the New Year; and want to reciprocate.
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A comment rather than a question. I managed to finish the crossword without reference to this site, but for one query re 15d. I had DANAID and wanted another letter. I knew there would be discussion...

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