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one thread would be started in Body & Soul and the daftness stayed in there , why now have we to suffer half a dozen or more unfunny idiotic attention seeking threads from greenie trolls trying to...
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another friggen thread
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i'll leave you with legend and knobby, if i go then they'll have to turn on one of you, step up guys, take over cos i have had enough, especially as you lot seem to be painting me with the same tar as...
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then why cant it be just that? why do we need all these heavy discussions? I thought it was for light hearted chin wags
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Ok the site`s been running slow etc so the Ed decides to post a blog and also mentions about banning, has it helped in anyway or has it just added fuel to the already out of control fire?
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Its not looking very good for whifffey Is it? whifffey Wed 01/07/09 21:09 Yes of course I approve of childhood cancer and paedophilia, I have posted to that effect repeatedly haven't I. Silly ar$e...
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Any chance of a civilised chatter? :-)
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what is your favourite bit amongst the ed's offerings? this is definately mine: 'For those who persistently abuse ? you will persistently be banned. If you are persistently banned you should consider...
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dare ask unless they are in Dot's gang NoCalDaBitch Fri 10/07/09 16:36 Why did you ban krazydiamond earlier on as he only cut and pasted what was or had been already on the site, Was it because he is...
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let people like this post dot.hawkes Fri 13/03/09 00:18 Lies and more lies knobby, go shag your fat ugly desperate chavvy wife with the bleached straw hair that needs a good cut and style to cover her...
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let the likes of this post Charisse Fri 10/07/09 22:48 PMSL@Drisgirl. Pinot? As if! You on the other hand have obviously been at the gin. Mothers ruin. As you well know. Are you going to post about...
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about the constipated mathmetician...??? ............................. He worked it out with a pencil
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Fer fooks sake
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A lot of people on here over the past few days have moaned and groaned about the soap characters cropping up on here and having a lafff phill. So I just cannoo understand why so many people moaned and...

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