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Generally speaking, what are the best selling items on
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How would someone go about setting up their own zoo, with a view to it becoming a major tourist attraction? Assume that this person has a bit of cash but isn't a billionaire or anything. Thanks.
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You know that black and white advert where the car brakes in slow motion and hits the kid? My question is, how did they film it? The figure struck by the car looks like a floppy lifeless dummy as it's...
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Why can I only stay online for a maximum of 90-120 minutes before the connection becomes so slow and disconnecty that I have to reset my PC? I'll then get another 90 minutes but it's really...
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Can you get Deep Vein Thrombosis from sitting for too long at your desk (when spending hours on Answerbank for example)?
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Listen up people, there is NO canned laughter whatsoever used on I'm Alan Partridge. It is filmed in a studio in front of a live studio audience. This was recently confirmed by one of the producers on...
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How often has this site crashed or only partially loaded for everyone else? As much as I like the answerbank, it is certainly the most consistanty unreliable site I visit on the web. Why is this?
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Is it possible to ingest cocaine in a solution (e.g. water or alcohol)? I'm talking about powdered cocaine, not crack. What effects would this have in comparison to more regular methods of use such as...
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For some reason I really want to socialise with more people, particularly girls, aged between 16-19. How can I do this and why do I feel this way? This isn't anything perverted, I'm only 22 myself and...
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I drink 8-10 pints of lager a week. How can I keep drinking the same amount but lose weight and gain fitness? Obviously exercise and diet are important and I'm willing to do this but how much exercise...
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I have an exam in 2 weeks. What is the best way to revise my year's course in that time?
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I ask purely out of curiosity I assure you! [Link to website advertising "Doctor Approved Penis Enlargement Pills removed - I think we get the picture. Ed] Is this for real or is it a load...
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How do I know if I have ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder? I suspect I may have, but is there a test for it? I am in my early 20s.

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