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Just want to see if I'm being ripped off or not! Any help appreciated. Thanks!
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I need to re-charge my car battery (off a Rover 416 Petrol car), as it has completely discharged, (the Rover hasn't been started for 2 months). I bought a battery charger but I am unclear if the...
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i have a seat ibiza 2001 3 door model, my rear n/s tail light isnt working, i have changed the bulb, fuse and bulb holder, still isnt working. all other lights work fine, can anyone give any ideas on...
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Yesterday walking around a friends garden, I noticed a shallow box on stilts, I'm informed that the way to beat Carrot Fly is to grow them at least 30 ins above the ground, as they fly under that...
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My windscreen is lovely, but the blades seem to leave almost "scuffingesque" impressions on it. Do i need to replace them, or should i attempt to clean or polish them - i seem to recall someone...
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where is and how do i clean the washer bottle in my Y reg ford mondeo. I can see the bottle but it appears to be mostly enclosed within the wheel bay. My washers do not work but i can here the motor...
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Hi, can anyone tell me what the white juice is, that is left in the frying pan when cooking Bacon?
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I am new to growing veggies so could you foodies tell me when does a courgette become a marrow? I planted courgettes but have so many they have become marrows (I think) Hubby bless him likes...
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I have bought a second hand car and the tax ends August, My insurance starts the 1st September and i have a MOT. Can i get the new Tax disc before the 1st Sept or do i have to wait til the insuracne...

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