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31A- A verticalside memberof a dooror window frame (4) _ A _ B 22D- A set of 24 or 25sheets of paper; a 20th of a ream (5) Q _ I _ E
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15A- Small New World monkey with long hair and bushy tail (4) _ _ _ I 35A- Simone de __, French author and philisopher (8) B _ _ _ _ U _ R 2d- Portable megaphones with built in amplifiers and...
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20D- A large ray with very wide winglike pectoral fins (5) M _ _ T _
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1A- A North Amerian pyramidal coniferous tree, widely planted for ornament and timber (7,3) D _ _ _ _ _ S _ I _ 30A- A small, fleshy, finger-like flap of tissue that hangs in the back of the throat(5)...
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6D- In music, a symbol indicating the pitch of the music (4) B _ _ _ Thanks again.
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6D- A small constellation in the Northern hemisphere containing the star vega (4) _ _ _ _ 8D- Plants related to the amaryllis, several species of which are grown as garden or pot plants for their...
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1A- Traditional sayings; proverbs (6) _ _ _ _ _ S 31A- Elisha _ , 19th century American inventor who installed the first passenger elevator (4) _ T _ S 2D- Albrecht -, German painter and printmaker...
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26D- Fluid flowing in the veins of the gods in Greek legend (5) I _ H _ R
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16 - A Geological fracture in which two parallel planes slide over each other (5) _ H _ A _
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31A - A shallow wooden basket used for carrying flowers, etc. (4) _ R _ G
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23A- An imaginary place where all is as bad as it can be (8) _ _ S _ O _ I _ 31A- A fish of American coastal regions of the Atlantic, also called the Northern Porgy (4) _ C _ P
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26D - Organic compound containing a terminal carbonyl group (8) A _ _ E _ Y _ E
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The dried plum-like fruit of various tropical trees of the genus Terminalia, used in ink,dyeing and medicine (11across) M _ R _ _ A _ _ N
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Ability to control or moderate one's impulses (9) 34across R _ _ I _ _ I _ T

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