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Has anyone used the online poa, if so is it ok?
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Does anyone know where I can buy Kenyan Tea? I have been on Amazon but they seem only to sell it in tins. Please help.
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Are you about? Do you remember I had that nasty infection in my arm from some sort of bite? I went to the Docs and because I hadn't been for about 7 years they took my blood pressure. It was really...
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Thanks for all your advice, much appreciated. We are in a bit of a quandary about the Yellow Fever vaccine. Because we are both over 60 we are getting varying advice as to whether to have it or not....
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My husband who is 68 and I 65 are visiting Kenya in November - do we need the YF Injection. We are going to Nairobi, Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha, Masai Mara Game Parks. We have been told that over 60...
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How do I make the meat stick to the skewers?
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When do I prune my new dwarf cherry? It has grown substantially since I bought it. Thanks in anticipation.
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Does bark mulch need a weed suppressor under it or is it good enough without.
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Don't know if I'm in the right list here but here goes. My neighbour has put a planning application in for an extension to his property, the only thing is that he wants to put in two bedroom windows...
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I had shingles a few weeks ago, then one friend got it two weeks ago and now my other friend has just been to the doc and again shingles! The doc said you can't catch shingles but it is contagious -...
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I last had a period nine years ago, this weekend I started spotting, it is more of a bleed today, I had a smear six months ago and that was normal. My question is, do I bother the doctor or wait to...
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I have two, what look like cold sores on my stomach had them for 3 days now and have noticed that my back has been aching for about a week - any ideas? Don't feel poorly.
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My husband is just having tests at the moment for the above. He is 68. What are the blood sugar ranges for diabetics - i.e., non diabetics, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics , the nurse at the surgery is...
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Can someone please tell me how Ofsted can go into a school for a couple of days and decide if the school is good, bad or indifferent. Do any of these inspectors know what teachers have to put up with...
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Can anyone tell me where I can purchase this please?
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Been to specialist last night. Thinks it's IBS but to make sure am having colonoscopy sometime in next week. Can I ask you why he examined my right hand and arm and felt round my neck, looked at eyes...
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Have been told I may have IBS. Has any body any good ideas for relief of this?
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has anyone else had one of these ? just had mine fitted and couldnt resist when i got home to take it out the pouch so i could see what my bp was when it went off but it only had the diastolic reading...
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I am puzzled - finished my periods some 8-10 years ago, had breast cancer and a mastectomy and had hot flushes - they disappeared after a few months, but, 18 months ago I had to have a hysterectomy...
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Am travelling to Egypt in three weeks, will the vaccinations I had in 2009 still be valid e.g. Tetanus, Typhoid, Polio; I know the Hep A is valid for 10 years, but what about the others?

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