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My bunch of roses are just 'going over' some of them have a shoot at the base of a leaf, can I grow these and if so how?
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Just a quick question to put out there. I have not had a period now for over 14 months, having my own little heat waves & weight gain, so I know that I am in the full throws of Menopause. My question...
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A friend has had this fitted in her bathroom, is it safe?
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If you had to pick your three favourite female singers, who would you pick?
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What do Abers think about Ant and Dec , are they really worth all that money that they are paid, or are they just Boring?.
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How do you feel about this programme, BBC1, now.
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When I was growing up I thought our neighbour was posh because they drank coffee, ate brown bread and shopped at M&S!What is, or was, your definition?...
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While in Wilkinsons on Monday, lining up to pay, I saw that the lady in front of me was asking for her ID. I thought she must have bought a load of tablets or similiar -- She bought small plastic...
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There was an article in my paper today about sweets that used to be popular. Fry's Five Centres, and chocolate Creams, Toffo etc, and the potato crisp with a blue salt bag inside! What were those...
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Married 46 years today, ok I got a card and he went to work this morning but... he's asleep and son is drunk and snoring on his bed - why do I care???...
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anyone else laugh when Karen popped the whole biccie into her gob? Even Mr Alba said 'that proves what we thought!)...
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We know the two don't mix, FIL's readings have been shocking recently. 28 one morning, 23 the next but the man will put sugar on his porridge. Very sweet tooth. Is there a sugar on the market which...
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Not a question but ... I've been asking Mr M to please TURN THE TV DOWN!! for a while now - today he went to have his ears syringed; this evening I've been asking him.. Can you turn the tv up please...
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Have you noticed when people of a certain age seat themselves (particularly into a comfortable chair) they make a sort of sighing groaning noise which the young never do. Are you doing it too?
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Thank you to everyone who responded to my thread about my little grandson not hearing properly. Sadly the little man passed away yesterday, suspected cot death. He was only 4 months old. As you can...
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It seems I can no longer obtain E45 "Lip care", which I like because it is hypoallergenic and has absolutely no perfume or irritants. Does anyone know of a similar product, with no menthol, no cocoa...
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going to be a grandmother. :)
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Still touch your toes? I can....
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Our mortgage was paid off 9 years ago, we need to know who it was with but can't remember. Bank say they can't help as their records don't go back that far. Any ideas please?
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Son has shingles, I know there's now't he can do but would be grateful for any tips, thank you..

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