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when we were youngsters the ice cream van would come round most days and we would buy an ice cream cornet with raspberry (juice) on it. Question is where can I get some of this ras for my grand...
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RAGGY ROMAN .stm In a report, an infuential committeee including two ex-chancellors, have concluded that record levels of immigration has had little or no impact on...
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We all seem to agree on the least funniest tv progs but which were or still are the funniest ever. list as many as you like
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jazz comes in two distinct forms, one type is melodious and the other type is just a complete racket with no tune to it whatsoever. One is called trad jazz and the other modern jazz which is which?
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what was dat song dat was played at the end of holby city 2nite?
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Who is the most overrated actor of all time either tv or film?
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Why is there not enough bruce willis related programming on TV?
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Medhi Kazemi is a 19-year-old homosexual Iranian who was originally in the UK to study. While he was abroad his lover at home revealed that they had a sexual relationship - illegal in Iran. Kazemi...
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Which is the least funny of all TV comedies since say 1970 I'd be glad to know what you think
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Don't say she's recovered?! There'll be loads of people having street parties when she pegs out. The only trouble is it's 30 years too late
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Say no more. Greatest band around at the moment
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I have an unopened package of back bacon with the use by date 22 Nov. Will it be necessary to freeze it if I'm not using it in the next 5 days?
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why do boys cheat on girls if they say they love them
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In 1993 I was banned from driving for being over the drink limit, after 15 years is the licence gone for good or could I apply to get it back?
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Hey what is the name of the James Blunt song that goes "oooooooooooooh" quite a lot? quite a gentle song? TIA
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Is Sweeney Todd a true story? If it's fictional who created him?
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This decision was spot-on, wasn't it?
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just missed who it was.... who was it?
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which lefty first used this phrase?
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With Marks & Spencer announcing a nose dive in profits for December , I saw the following in one of the daily papers , today A cartoon , showing a graph with the heading ' Profits December ' - with...

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