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My boyfriend is an artist who has to do pictures of the 2 above mentioned places for a job. He needs 3D models to download from the Internet and I can't find any on La Sagrada and I have only found 1...
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I'm trying to post an answer to quattro's question below and the answer box doesn't let me have access to the submit button. I dunno if its coz the question is so long, but there's no scroll bar at...
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Most phrases/sayings, not all, come about from a strory of some kind. Whats your favourite story behind the origin of a saying?
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I know the meaning of the saying, but how did this one come about?
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Why do we have bank holidays? I understand the one's at Easter, Good Friday and all that, but what about this one coming up (26th). Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining :) but was wondering how...
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I don't drink, therefore I'm teetotal. I was wondering where this word came from. Any ideas?
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Following on from weeme's question below, I've looked at those online libraries and in particular I was looking for any 'books' on sign language and lip reading, Does anyone know of any other sites...
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Andrew won! Yay! I was pleased that Andrew on it - I think he deserved it after all those killer games. What did other people think about it? I thought the series as a whole was brilliant - anyone...
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What is the reason behind the numbers given to motorways? Is it due to the order they were built?
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Following on from what people think about motorway speed limts, what would you change about the driving test? I think it should be compulsory to correctly change a wheel (I know all cars are different...
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This question is supposed to be light hearted and not morbid! I know Spike Milligan said that he'd like to have on his gravestone ' I told you I was ill' - what would you like to have on yours?
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About a month ago, a guy was arrested for swindling the stock market in USA, but he claimed (in a 4 hour confession) that he was from the future and had travelled back in time to make some money as he...
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This is for all of you who get as frustrated as I do when radios play songs back to back and then don't announce the title or singer. If you have a mobile, just dial 2580 (right down the middle of the...
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This might sound a bit strange or morbid even, but my friend was just involved in a car accident and is now in hospital with a broken leg, rib and punctured lung. I'm going to visit him and want to...
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Is there any way that Mr AB Editor could have the names of the people currently online at AB at any one time, listed at the side of the page? Many users are well known on this site now, and look for...
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This is one of my favourite films ever, but something puzzles me and I'm hoping someone can tell me the reason behind it. At the very end when Henry's just about to get nicked, Lois (the drug runner)...
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Anyone see this on Saturday night (29th) ? I thought it was brilliant and right up my street - I would have given anything to take part - did anyone see them advertising for contestants for this? How...
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I'm looking for an album which is no longer made, Its called Back to da howse by a group called Lo-Key. Have got a flag set up on Amazon that will tell me if anyone attempts to sell it, have tried...

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