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My parents are thinking of getting a B n B in the country and having kennels as well (they have 3 dogs and find that any place to go on holiday will only allow 1 dog, so more than 1 dog would be...
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Anyone know of natural ways to ease discomfort? Or even is there foods which are better to eat than others, or some kind of exercise? Please help!! Any suggestions would be great!
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What c*ck ups have you spotted in classic films, that really weren't supposed to be there!
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Okay, who has the most unique tattoo? Or is it in a very unique place - nothing too obscene though!!
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Anyone read the book? I have to say, it is worth it as its not really heavy, but it is fascinating. Apparently he's put clues in the books which, when de-coded, will lead to a treasure map, which will...
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Anyone know where I can get this film on video? Its an 80s film and is about a hunchback living in a clock tower on a University Campus - and its hilarious! Please help - I've been looking for this...

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