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I'm stuck with some answers on a number quiz can anyone help? 15= Mof F, 600=F in a C , 1=NS , 978=H of SP (in M) , 4=LS(H,E,T&M) , 5=OGM forSR , 7=H of R , 4=S on V
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andy hughes
Everyone has certain records they dislike, but does anyone have a singer or band who's every utterance makes their teeth itch? For me, its Frank Sinatra, and Alanis Morrissette - any other offers?
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Considering the USA's avowed intent to stop ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and elsewhere, have they such short memories? I wonder what the native American indians would have to say on the subject.
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206 S B in the H B of an A, S1 first S in S , 22 C in a F , sorry it was not clear before !
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I have 3 more that I am not sure about: 206 S B in the H B of an A S 1 First S in S 22 C in a F
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darth vader
....are being blamed by the Russians, for their recent decision to also pull out of the Kyoto treaty, and now it seems the treaty is not workable and we are destined for global warming. (thanks USA!)...
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Why do Americans call Santa Clause (a.k.a. Father Christmas) Chriz Cringle? Where does it come from?
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who actually won the botched disputed election, that he ended up winning? can't remember the name of his adversary
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who was vice-president when ronald reagan was president
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Bought too many bananas this week. Anyone got any good, simple recipes?
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Why is president bush called Dubya?
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Was the plane, in which Buddy Holly perished, named 'American Pie'?
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Will the American people be told about the thousands of anti-war and anti-Bush demonstrators when George Dubya visits UK on Thursday, or will the US news only report his shaking hands with Prince...
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This has always bugged me - why do British people wash their dishes like they do - in a tub of soapy water without any clean running water. Surely the water gets dirty after the first or second dish....
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Apart from the American Mid-West, are there any other parts of the world where tornadoes occur a lot?
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I have a friend called Chris Hicken -- or in other words C Hicken. Geddit? Chicken?! What are some of the sillier names of people you catually know (rather than ones you have read about!)?
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Who sang the following lyrics: 1. and my brother will be so, so angry; 2. born to make mistakes (not Craig David); 3. but do i really feel the way i feel?; 4. coz this is the naked truth and this is...
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Is there such a thing as instantaneous death. You hear news bulletins, programmes etc saying....oh he died instantly so what is this 'instant' we hear about. Just imaging being beheaded by a...
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how can i stop my hair being static-y and flyaway? (Please don't suggest the Bounce sheet as it just makes my hair look greasy!)
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anyone got really good tips on how to stop firzzy hair hen straightening and curling my hair. i have tried many products none work HELP!

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