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Yep, I'm obsessed with asking questions this week... Pointless Question Number 4... Anyway, is there a word for someone you live with whom you're not married or engaged to, so isnt husband or fiance?...
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I never saw the end of from hell the jack the ripper story featuring jonny depp could someone tell me who jack the ripper was in the end. thanks fran xxx
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soft greyish mineral occuring in quartz veins
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what was the music in the kronenbourg ad? it features a pretty girl drinking kronenbourg and causing chaos. thanks
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How come extraordinary is like out of this word, wheras when broke down extra- ordinary should mean like totally ordinary, the opposite of its meaning?? crazy
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there seems to be a lot here about the bible being proof for the existence of god/jesus etc. However, that's only one book. There is therefore much more evidence for the existence of Harry Potter or...
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What exactly is it? It seems to me to be a term that used to be used with vinyl and LPs?
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In gay terminolgy, what does the phrase "Tea Rooms" mean?
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What is the title of a Shakespear's play that is based on the Bible?
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Why is the number of the beast "666"?
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wide sargasso sea, was inspired by which other book
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How many albums has Good Charlotte released?
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Is there a god? I mean look at all the different relgions around the world who all believe that THEY are right & the others are wrong. They can't all be right can they. Which is why in my opion it all...
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What are your opinions on answering your partners mobile if they are not there and it is ringing? Are you invading their privacy? Should they not bother as they should have nothing to hide? What do...
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Is it still illegal for more than two consenting adults (in private) to have homosexual sex?
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Which comic actor played the part of Mr. Pugh in the 1960's TV sitcom, @The Worker.'?
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name of a small, arboreal amphibian having long, clawlike toes
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When was Rod Stuart born?
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What movie was HArrison Fords' first?
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if adam and eve were the first people if we believe the bible, where do the cavemen enter the equation? were they pre adam eve? if so why does the bible not mention them? and if they were after adam...

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