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Could anyone give me help or suggestions on how to remove rust stains from the cavity back on golf club heads
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what does "NTLDR is missing" mean and how do i rectify it.
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You guys have been my saviours. I have one last question (i hope). You said that turning off my router every night when I turn the pc off, makles no difference and causes no probs. will turning it off...
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is there a way to remove oil (baby) out of natural untreated stone? tried scrubbing with soap and water, steaming off with brown paper, but no joy.,
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the millster
is there an easy way of converting a music dvd into audio files because i have a song that i have on dvd that i like and want to put on to cd but not sure how to do it so any help would be appreciated
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Nick's Dad
Can anyone tell me if there are any disadvantages in using an ordinary touch tone telephone (eg the BT Esprit 1200) to activate and use BT Broadband Talk instead of the dedicated Hub telephone? BT...
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I have a large spreadsheet that I regularly add rows to. Somehow or another someone has fiddled with it and now the spreadsheet will not allow any more rows to be added and ends at row 2150! The...
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Hi Guys Do i leave my router on after turning my pc off, thus leaving it running all night and day, or do I turn it off when its not used? If I leave it when my pc is off, will anything be...
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Hican anyone help i have copied my holidays photos on to cd which are fine and can playback on my dvd player. the problem is that i made a few video clips from my camera but can not seem to copy...
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my computer is very slow. on msconfig start up tab only a few items ticked but a lot of programms are running if you check the services tab. How will I know what should be running and is there a...
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I have an lcd tv that is connected to the 2nd socket on my gfx card which I use to watch movies from my pc.When I switch to pc mode on the tv the desktop image shown is a continuation from the...
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Hi Unsure if this is best place to post this? My fish tank has some bad scratches on the inside front panel so very noticeable. I think it must have happened when using my magnetic cleaner which may...

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