I'm not trying to increase the circulation of The Daily Telegraph
but puzzlers may want to check out the brain teaser set by a
GCHQ chief.
The grid is on page 7 of today's paper....
Don't normally get totally floored with e. variations, but failed completely to complete the unclued not real words part. Managed the basic theme. Too late for posting now, but intrigued as to what...
Does anyone know the answer to this: Some time ago, I was involved in a discussion re heating up mugs before dispensing coffee or tea into them, the question being - will this slow down the natural...
I purchased a Dighome TV in December from Currys. The TV cuts off, or prolongs, sound breaks which mar vieiwng and listening. Does anyone know how I might get this repaired under warranty now that...
6d showing a high degree of refinement. I have S?E?T? - can it be svelte? and 7d mainly scottish word for an idiot . I have N?M?T? have I gone wrong somewhere? Many thanks
Stuck on last few ... 14a ornament consisting of six lobes (7) s??f?il 10a an attempt to pass beyond the limits of what is known (7) u?t?a?s? (is it "ultra-ise"?) 15d apparatus require for...
A prisoner in a cell is being supervised by two guards, one of whom always tells the truth, the other of whom always tells lies. The cell has two unmarked doors, one leading to freedom, the other...