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Is this the case the world has been waiting for? If so not a very good time for us happening during the Winter period. Should we be banning all incoming flights from this region?...
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How did John Darwin, the canoeist, manage to get to Panama and then return as recently as last year? He was officially declared dead but was still able to use his passport. It reminds me of the 'Day...
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Bewlay Bros
I am in two minds over this story. 1) I do not believe gays should adopt children. I have nothing whatsoever against them, but am from the camp who strongly believe being a gaylord or lezza is a...
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Norman Baker the Liberal MP who quit his front bench post in order to fully investigate the death of David Kelly who said Saddam Hussain did not pose a threat. The government however believed there...
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Is Putin right to deny the USA siting missiles in Europe to protect the East coast of America? Any first strike from hostile nations would be aimed at Europe. The British government are in talks for...
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How did he derive the formula for E=m(c x c).? Also if a general sense how is any formula derived. Newton's equations of motion come to mind but there are others. I believe they are still testing...
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Why did they not release the raw sewage from the treatment works into the rivers before it overflowed into surrounding properties and fields? Although it was not normal practice it would have been...
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Is there a method to extra life from an air cleaner. ie using a hoover etc.
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Is there anybody, anybody at all out there, who respects and admires TB for his open honesty, his Christianity (a goodun there), and openness, or is it just me ?
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Read this story just makes you think you really dont know who youre talking to online does it? The host of the pedo site was a 27 year old from buxhall in suffolk. Makes you think tho ??...
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Land is a finite resource and many of the population are finding it difficult to secure accommodation. Is there any reason why we don't build high rise flats as we did in the 60's? Now we know the...
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Its good to see that at least one country is willing to stand up for itself against the global bully that is american! If the americans truly wanted missile defense they would build it in there own...
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The last thing Russia wants is another arms race, the last one brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union. But the US have now broken the 1972 Anti Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty with their plans...
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Eustace H. P
I'm looking for a street-smart egg-head (is that an oxymoron?) I'm after a snap-shot understanding of the Uncertainty Principle that'll make sense to someone who can blag intelligence by obviously...
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Is there a method when searching in Google to look at just the UK sites by having this as the default. I can do this initially but after that I lose the option and would prefer it to be a permanent...
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AB Asks
There are now tougher penalties for drivers caught using hand-held mobile phones. The offending drivers will now not only pay a fixed penalty of ?60, but they will also have three points added to...
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It has been reported by scientists that there is a split in the Earths crust thousands of kms long in middle of the pacific. How should we prepare for this eventuality?...
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Has a satisfactory reason ever been given for accurately predicting the orbit of planets around the sun and the distances involved? This simple formual has predicted this for the 6 planets around the...
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nice sax
I have just frozen some water in a jar and marked the level of the ice in the jar, then I let the ice melt and the level has gone down showing that ice takes up a larger area than water. Bearing this...
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You often hear of other species containing some percentage of human DNA. ie a chimp has 99%. Are all living creatures genes a sub section of human DNA? I suppose what I am getting at is if we came...

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